Author Topic: Paternalism Alarm! MSNBC guest says prolife Supreme Court ruling is the same as ‘eugenics forced sterilization’?!  (Read 429 times)

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Paternalism Alarm! MSNBC guest says prolife Supreme Court ruling is the same as ‘eugenics forced sterilization’?!

Posted on Jun 28, 2014 at 7:19 PM in Media Politics | 19 Comments

By soopermexican

Irin Carmon sounds the “paternalism siren” on the recent Supreme Court case that says Massachusetts cannot limit the free speech rights of abortion protesters. Irin says that this ruling is an “expansion of rights,” which sounds alarming until she explains that it’s the right of people to talk to people going into abortion clinics.

Watch below:

Finally, she goes on to say that the ruling has the same philosophy that guided eugenics and forced sterilizations! This would come as a surprise to many of those who are against abortion and know that the procedure itself grew out of the eugenics movement – abortion advocates actually wanted the poor to kill their children to help the gene pool!

Basically, crazy MSNBC guest says crazy stupid stuff. Breaking news!
« Last Edit: June 29, 2014, 10:12:49 am by rangerrebew »