Author Topic: Illegals Bankrupting Small Towns in Border States  (Read 349 times)

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Illegals Bankrupting Small Towns in Border States
« on: June 28, 2014, 09:36:05 am »
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Illegals Bankrupting Small Towns in Border States

Posted By  Jon Bowne & Kit Daniels |  On June 27, 2014 @ 1:35 pm In Border Control & Illegal Immigration,Featured Stories,Tile | No Comments

Small towns and counties in states bordering Mexico are drowning in debt due to the swarm of illegals stealing and destroying property, requiring expensive medical care and needing proper burials, all of which the federal government has largely refused to pay for.

For example, in Brooks Co., Texas, which is 75 miles north of the Mexican border, county judge Raul M. Ramirez told Infowars that autopsies of dead illegal aliens are rapidly draining his county’s resources which were already meager after the oil & gas industry left town.

“It was the loss of oil & gas revenue, compounded with the amount that we spend dealing with autopsies, wear and tear of [county] vehicles, the sheriff’s department, the JPs [Justices of the Peace], the magistrates, death certificates, all the paperwork that’s entailed and getting out to areas that are very, very remote,” he said. “I personally have been taken to pronounce a body [of an illegal immigrant dead] when the sheriff’s officer said ‘oh, there went the transmission’ and we had to call a wrecker to come get us.”

“Thank God for the Border Patrol; they were able to take us to where the immigrant was.”

But that was about the only federal help Brooks Co. has received, even though the Obama administration has admitted that it is responsible for this mass influx of illegals, which has hit over 90,000 since last October and will more than double by this October.

“All [the costs] occurs on the county,” Ramirez stated, adding that his county has received no financial assistance from the federal government. “All these expenses we don’t budget for and the losses we have to pay for.”

Only the State of Texas has stepped in and offered the county $150,000 to help defray the costs, and as we reported on Tuesday, Texas state troopers are also heavily patrolling border highways which are practically absent of Border Patrol activity.

One state trooper told Infowars that the border is now an explosive hotspot of violent crime, which is now rapidly spreading miles inland.

“I just got a report from a couple of days ago from a local rancher that they [illegal immigrants] broke into his ranch and we are getting more and more reports of either [Border Patrol] agents who are being accosted or deputies who are fighting resistance from these individuals,” Ramirez added.

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