Author Topic: I may have found the stupidest Facebook page ever  (Read 630 times)

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I may have found the stupidest Facebook page ever
« on: June 24, 2014, 10:31:22 pm »

Just a sample of posts:
Kathleen Gannon Darlington No other President has taken such disrespect. He will go down in history as one of our greatest presidents in my opinion. Let's see who the GOP comes up with for 2016.....I heard MItt is number 1 right now! empty suit and tax evader!

Like · Reply · 15 · 10 hours ago
Kathryn Houseman Lobert Amazing man, incredibly good President, cannot believe the disgusting behavior to which he has been subjected since DAY ONE!! His character, bravery, intelligence, and dedication to the honor and success of this country is surpassed by none!

Like · Reply · 5 · 9 hours ago
Mark Tarrant He let 5 terrorist out!! He lied about health care!!! Iraq is falling because we left? For every blunder/lie and bad choice scandal and double talk its amazing people still worship him. To many people under him die or disappear or plead the 5th.Its OK though because most people do not read or watch more than 10 minutes of news a day and believe every word of it.Dig a little learn a little…lots the American public does not know, or just choses to ignore….like the lego movie…Everything is awesome…Sheep led to slaughter.

Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hours ago
Suzanne Caughron Becker You guys said the same thing about Clinton...your playbook is over and done. It doesn't work and you are losing a bit everyday by continuing to be the obstructionists.

Like · 1 · 7 hours ago
Judy Maclean When are these ignorant, hateful anti-Obama posters going to realize that Obama had no choice but to pull out of Iraq because in 2008 George W. Bush signed the Status of Force Agreement (SOFA) that said we had to pull all of our troops out by the end of 2011. Please, before you go off on ignorant rants, just educate yourselves. There's this magic little Google Machine that will help you, but you have to want to use it if you're really interested in the truth.

Like · 3 hours ago
David R Harper We voters can get him a House this Nov.

Like · Reply · 20 minutes ago
Sean Hussey Baffling, stunning and disappointing. To say this man is the greatest president is a testament of utter ignorance.

Like · Reply · 5 hours ago
Mark Tarrant If you disagree with Obama you are racist because he is half white. People forget his mom is white like an irishman.haha it can't be racist if he is white too can it?

Like · Reply · 6 hours ago
Christy Craig I love President Obama! I agree!

Like · Reply · 7 hours ago
Suzanne Caughron Becker Totally agree.

Like · Reply · 7 hours ago
Jean Metzger Totally AGREE!

Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hours ago
Jay Schmidt Right, what right does a black man have to be in the White House!

Like · Reply · 4 hours ago
Marie Sanderson Mishkofski Some of you will rue the day you slandered the president. You know that you lie through the teeth! Common trash.

Like · Reply · 6 hours ago · Edited
Mark Tarrant He knows because the NSA is listening and keeping a record….right? Data mining at its best. I better plead the 5th…
At least a few non-worshipers showed up.    **nononono*
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Re: I may have found the stupidest Facebook page ever
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2014, 10:34:15 pm »
From the "about" section:
This page was created for Christians and friends who supported the election of President Obama for his second term to share information and resources.

This page was created for Christians and friends who supported the election of President Obama for his second term to share information and resources. The page also supports electing members to both Houses of Congress who will support the efforts of this President in order to receive the greatest impact from his second term.

 Why ‘Christians for President Obama's second term’? Many Christians are fed up with how Christianity is being portrayed by rightwing Christians. Contrary to their view, Christianity is both liberal and progressive in nature. Christianity is based on the teachings and ministry of Christ. Christ commanded those who choose to follow Him to care for the poor, the widows, the prisoners, and all those rejected by society. He said we can’t serve God and Money, and that it will be more difficult to a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. He clearly told us not to judge one another and to leave judgment to God. In fact He warned that by the same measure we judge, we will be judged, and instructed that those without sin should cast the first stone and to take the log from our own eye before attempting to ‘help’ remove the splinter in the eye of another. He really didn’t leave any room for misunderstanding these commands. He said to love God above all things and to love our neighbors as ourselves and that all the rest of our faith rests on these two primary principles. He also clarified via the parable of The Good Samaritan that our neighbors are those who need assistance.

 President Obama in spite of severe obstructionism in Congress, relentless attacks from the rightwing, and an appalling level of corruption by unrestrained well funded special interests has led the nation toward economic recovery and his efforts have thus far prevented the full force of the 2008 economic collapse from resulting in a Great Depression level disaster. We are grateful that this man is at the helm at this precarious period of our history. We look forward to President Obama’s continued leadership for another four years.


 Politically Democrats, Independents, and moderate or frustrated Republicans who support the reelection of President Obama are welcome to participate. People of any religious faith as well as atheists and agnostics who will be respectful of each individual's right to their own religious beliefs are also welcome to participate. Please make an effort in posts and comments to maintain some level of the decency and dignity exemplified by President Obama (and if we can emulate a little of his intelligence, humor, charm all the better ;-) ).

Christian is not in the title of this page to invite argument about religion or to exclude anyone who is not Christian, it is simply our perspective. The President’s agenda, while secular, is often in line with the teachings and ministry of Christ in terms of social justice. As Christians we support and pray for the President and support his social justice agenda. the focus of this page is to support the election of this President to a second term. This page does not support those who use the name of Christ to support agendas that transfer wealth from the poor and middle classes to the wealthiest people in the country, that seek to defund or eliminate programs that help the elderly, disabled, sick, poor, or children, and we do not support attacks on minorities and the vulnerable in this country or the world. We do not support the privatization of government services. We are likely to fall at somewhat different spots on any given issue, but we do want laws and regulations that protect people, the environment, and the future. And we all support the reelection of President Obama to a second term.

 There will be a strict policy concerning those who want to argue about or be disrespectful toward this President or the faith of others. There are many pages where those arguments are welcome and endless, so please take any such discussion to those pages. This page by definition supports the reelection of President Obama to a second term. Bigotry toward any minority group will be deleted from this page when encountered as will rude or overly argumentative posts. Within these boundaries feel free to express your perspectives (as in ‘I think’, ‘I believe’, IMO etc) and please be willing to agree to disagree.
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Re: I may have found the stupidest Facebook page ever
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2014, 10:39:46 pm »
With a title like that, I thought you saw one of my Facebook posts.

Actually, none of this surprises me. About 60% of my FB connections (won't call most of them friends, just networking) are liberals of some persuasion or another. The result of connecting with many local musicians, artists, as well as for some reason a vast majority of my coworkers are big libs. (funny thing is several of my gay friends are actually Libertarian and hate libs).

All of this is stuff I often would see before I started customizing privacy settings. I started assigning each person a tag, the most popular is LibFr which indicates Liberal Friends. Then I can filter out posts from them and filter out what I post if it is overtly political so they won't see it (need to maintain connections outside political world). Using customized lists and filtering like this saves a lot of heartburn.