Author Topic: IRS Chief Koskinen Has Donated Big to Democrats Over the Years  (Read 367 times)

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IRS Chief Koskinen Has Donated Big to Democrats Over the Years

Posted By Bryan Preston On June 23, 2014 @ 2:22 pm In Politics | 12 Comments

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen looks like he got the job atop the taxman agency the old fashioned way: He bought it.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Koskinen has donated about $100,000 to Democrat candidates and committees since his first donation in 1979. His donor recipients include Gary Hart, the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic nominee in each presidential campaign since 1980 (which would even include Walter Mondale, who stood no chance of beating President Ronald Reagan in 1984), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and Hillary Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s campaigns. He most recently donated $2,500 to Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) in 2013.

He has given no money to Republicans. The taxman is a partisan Democrat.

When President Obama appointed Koskinen to take over the IRS, that decision came at the time the IRS was already under scrutiny for its partisan attacks on conservative groups.

Sen. Orin Hatch said that the appointment left him “more than a little mystified.”

There was nothing mystifying about it. President Obama had already declared that there was not a “smidgen of corruption” in the IRS scandal.

Appointing a partisan Democrat to head the IRS ensured that such smigdens would never get out. It was also an in-your-face move against Republicans, daring them to oppose the nomination.

Based on what — his partisan political donations?

Exactly. Had congressional Republicans jumped to oppose Koskinen on that basis, the medialeft would have called them out Alinsky-style for being hypocrites.

By the way, it appears that Koskinen may have lied under oath to Congress in last week’s hearings — once here, once here – both on the subject of the “lost” Lerner emails.

As if that’s anything unusual for Obama appointees. As long as there aren’t any consequences for lying under oath, Obama’s henchmen will keep doing it.

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Re: IRS Chief Koskinen Has Donated Big to Democrats Over the Years
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2014, 01:44:34 pm »
no surprise here