Author Topic: All Churches in Freed Syrian City Destroyed by Anti-Assad Forces  (Read 349 times)

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All Churches in Freed Syrian City Destroyed by Anti-Assad Forces

Posted on June 22, 2014 by creeping

Obama supports, funds, arms and trains the anti-Assad forces. via The Eponymous Flower: Kasab The City of the Armenians is Liberated — All Churches Destroyed by the Islamists.

(Damascus) On the 14th and 15th of June the Syrian army regained control of Kasab. The city, inhabited by Armenians city in northwestern Syria, is less than three kilometers from the Turkish border and 17 kilometers from the Mediterranean. It had been captured in March by anti-Assad rebels.

As the Armenian Patriarch Nerses Bedros XIX Catholic Tarmouni explained, the advancing Syrian soldiers provided a picture of devastation. Alle Kirchen der Stadt wurden von den Islamisten zerstört. All the churches of the city were destroyed by the Islamists. The crosses were torn from the churches, the icons damaged or burned, statues smashed. The churches were burned down and the walls smeared with Islamist slogans and the Koranic suras.

The reclaiming of Kasab was attended by the regular Syrian associations, self-defense units formed by Syrian Armenians in part and associations of the Shiite Hezbollah from Lebanon.

On March 21, the attack of the Islamists had begun. Particularly active was   the Al-Qaida Salafist associated Al-Nusra Brigade. The Islamists moved from the border mountains of Turkey into the city.  More than 700 families were evacuated from the city. What remained were units of the Syrian army and the young Armenian men who formed a self-defense militia to defend the churches of the town.  After heavy fighting, however, they had to retreat before the overwhelming power of the Islamists. Now they have returned to their liberated city.

   The Armenian Catholic Patriarch called on the refugee population to return to Kasab and participate in the reconstruction of the city.  The Armenians of Kasab are mainly engaged in agriculture. The city has a symbolic character for the Armenians.   Since 1915 they have had  been expelled by the Turks in the great genocide of Cilicia, and Kasab is the last Armenian enclave of this area.

 Sunni jihadists on one side, Shia jihadists on the other. Obama supports both with your taxpayer dollars as he continues to meddle in affairs of countries that while systematically destroying the United States.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 12:44:55 pm by rangerrebew »