Author Topic: Lib Radio Host Mike Malloy Wants Open-Carry Advocates Shot In The Forehead  (Read 350 times)

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Lib Radio Host Mike Malloy Wants Open-Carry Advocates Shot In The Forehead

Posted By Jim Treacher On 1:45 PM 06/20/2014 In | No Comments

I’m not a big fan of open-carry advocates bringing long guns to Starbucks and other public places. Just because it’s legal in your state doesn’t mean it’s a terrific idea. But Atlanta-based leftist Mike Malloy is just an idiot.

Courtesy of Jack Coleman at Newsbusters, here’s Malloy’s response to laws like Georgia’s Safe Carry Protection Act:

“I guess what I’ll do if I’m ever in that situation and I see one of these half-witted yahoos walking in with a weapon, high-caliber rifle like that, I’ll just put on a berserk act. I will just start screaming Gun! Gun! Gun! Watch out, everybody hit the deck! Guns! Guns! Everybody! And then dial 911 and I will say, shots fired, which will bring every g**-damned cop within 15 miles. And then the half-wits with the long guns are going to panic and they’re going to run out of the store and if that rifle isn’t shouldered properly, the cop is going to take a look at that and put a bullet right in their forehead.”

You can listen to the audio here.

This is known as “Swatting,” and if it sounds illegal, that’s because it is. He’s talking about filing a false police report that would put first responders and innocent bystanders in danger, and could result in a shooting. In fact, that’s what he says he wants.

Fortunately for Malloy, nobody pays attention to him except Newsbusters. Just imagine the furor if Rush Limbaugh ever said anything remotely like this. Hell, libs are still outraged that he called somebody a slut for demanding birth control. He never wished her dead. He never advocated anything illegal.

Okay, Mike. You made your opponents look good yet again. You can crawl back under your damp rock now.

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