Author Topic: VIDEO: Young children, armed to the teeth, watch, aid executions in Iraq  (Read 544 times)

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- Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs - -

VIDEO: Young children, armed to the teeth, watch, aid executions in Iraq

Posted By Pamela Geller On June 17, 2014 @ 9:18 pm In Uncategorized | 37 Comments

IRAQ-UNREST-VOLUNTEERS [1]An Iraqi boy holds a weapon as he takes part in a gathering by Shiite tribesmen to show their willingness to join Iraqi security forces in the fight against jihadist militants. Photo: AFP

Sharia.  Arming children and teaching them to cheer beheadings. Obama say, “respect it.”

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Iraqis arming kids as country descends into chaos

By Selim Algar, NY Post, [4] June 17, 2014

Disturbing videos and photos emerging from Iraq show that young children — some of them armed to the teeth — are being enlisted by both sides in the bloody sectarian conflict.

A disturbing new video from Iraq shows heavily armed boys no older than 10 calmly watching Sunni rebel fighters blowing away a prisoner with a bullet to the back of the head.

Reportedly filmed in Mosul, the grisly footage shows a masked man being heckled by a swarm of jihadi fighters — including children brandishing automatic weapons.

The doomed man is blasted in the head and killed as the rebels celebrate in the background.

Other images show children flanking forces loyal to the government and roving Shiite militias.

The photos are just the latest evidence of an increasingly brutal conflict that threatens to plunge Iraq into a lengthy sectarian bloodbath.

Government forces are desperately trying to prevent Sunni insurgents from annexing Baqubah — a pivotal battlefield just 40 miles from the Iraqi capital.

A young Iraqi boy holds a weapon from the window of a car as people gather to show their readiness to join Iraqi security forces.Photo: Getty Images

Officials claimed Tuesday that the rebels had been forced to flee the city after being attacked by government forces and volunteer militiamen who’ve signed up in droves to fight the insurgency.

“Everything in the city is now under control, and the groups of armed men are not seen in the city,” said Brig. Gen. Jameel Kamal al-Shimmari.

But opposition fighters claim they’ve maintained control of several neighborhoods in the ravaged city.

The collision in Baqubah forced the closure of a major oil refinery in the area that has cut off fuel and power to entire swathes of the teetering nation.

Reports have emerged from the region that Shiite gunmen mowed down 44 Sunni prisoners at close range in a provincial jail that came under attack by rebels.

But government officials countered that the insurgents were responsible for the deaths after they stormed the facility with hand grenades.

The mass killings stoked fears that Shiite fighters are beginning to conduct lethal reprisals against Sunni civilians and fighters as the battle for Iraq’s future rages on.

The bullet-riddled corpses of four reportedly Sunni men were found in a Shiite district in Baghdad in what officials suspected were revenge killings.

The sectarian bloodletting also hit a heavily Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad, where a car bomb killed 12 people and wounded dozens more.

Photo: Post Graphic

Sunni fighters have vowed to topple the wobbling regime of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and are calling on irregular fighters and extremists to join them in their march to the capital.

The spiraling crisis has suddenly aligned interests between the unlikeliest of partners — the United States and Iran.

Iran’s Shiite leaders have been shaken by the Sunni uprising in the neighboring nation and the two nations have considered some form of joint action.

More than 5,000 Iranians have signed up online to defend Shiite holy places within Iraq that the rebels have openly threatened to overrun.

Article printed from Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs:

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