Author Topic: Homophobia Day? Really?  (Read 245 times)

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Homophobia Day? Really?
« on: June 18, 2014, 02:03:31 pm »

Homophobia Day? Really?

by Lorelei Branam Bennett

Image via blackboard1965 /

So I just found out that May 17 was the International Day Against Homophobia. Did we really need to go there? As a writer, my sensitivity to words is heightened even though I would give Dubya a run for his money when it comes to botching the English language while spoken. There is a gaping discrepancy with the word homophobia. According to Merriam-Webster it came about in 1969 and is defined as an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.

The word ‘homophobic’ is illegitimate and waters down the validity of meaning and definition, once again. The left is proficient at convoluting everything they touch, and the notion of having given a National Day to recognize people who are afraid of homosexuals is bizarre to me. I am confused. What happens on Homophobia Day? Who marches in the parade? Homosexuals? Heterosexuals?

Read the rest of this Liberty Alliance article here:

Read the rest of this Liberty Alliance article here: