Author Topic: US Tax Dollars & Lives Wasted: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Forces Overrun US Trained Iraqis in Mosul  (Read 262 times)

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US Tax Dollars & Lives Wasted: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Forces Overrun US Trained Iraqis in Mosul

The Common Constitutionalist June 13, 2014

The city of Mosul fell to ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) forces after only four days of fighting with Iraqi security.

Question: just how much money did we spend training the Iraqis – how much ordinance did we donate to their cause of "democracy," only to have it fall into the hands of terrorists?

The ISIS forces, 1300 terrorists, overran the city of Mosul using what was described as "heavy weapons" such as "rocket launchers," as Iraqi forces threw down their weapons, changed into civilian clothing and fled.

If I may go off topic: where might they have gotten rocket launchers? I'll put it another way: what was Ambassador Stephens doing in the run-up to his murder in Benghazi? Was he running weapons – like machine guns and rocket launchers? Just asking.

Okay, back to it.

So the people of the world thought the Iraqis had it bad under Saddam Hussein? Saddam will look like a picnic compared to these guys.

You know the saying, "Nature abhors a vacuum." Well, these guys are filling the vacuum of power in Iraq. And when I say these are bad dudes, I mean bad dudes! They were kicked out of Al Qaeda for being too radical. Everywhere they've been there is a trail of mutilated and decapitated bodies.

Upon sacking Mosul, ISIS tweeted (yes tweeted): "… Civilians don't need to worry… Economy and situation will be normal again under Islamic Sharia Law…"

Yes, no need to worry!

They've also taken parts of Fallujah and control Ramdi, as well as the Syrian city Raqqa.

City after city has fallen to them, and they have begun invoking the three rules of Sharia: Convert, pay the jizya (protection money for non-Moslems), or die.

There also on the verge of controlling Iraq's oil export region and its largest refinery.

After Mosul, it was off to Saddam's home city of Tikrit. With every victory their ranks grow as they empty out each city's prisons.

The situation in Iraq may very well blow up into a full-scale Middle Eastern war, as Turkey announced that they will retaliate if any of their citizens are harmed. ISIS captured 48 of Turkey's embassy personnel in Mosul in addition to 28 Turkish truck drivers seized earlier.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki asked the Iraqi parliament to declare a state of emergency and grant him temporary additional power to battle ISIS.

ISIS now controls a full one third of the nation of Iraq and shows no signs of stopping. They continue to move south, with Baghdad a mere 80 miles away.

The ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, also known as Abu Dua is said to be more ruthless than was bin Laden. The United States has a $10 million bounty on his head.

A mere three months ago, Obama proudly announced that, "We ended our war and left Iraq to its people and a fully sovereign Iraqi state could make decisions about its own future".

Wow, they lasted a full quarter – three whole months of peace and serenity.

So now what? What does the United States do?

Well, whether we should or should not get involved is immaterial. In my opinion, we will not, at least not militarily. Obama will not allow it. He will never allow the United States to project its military might again – not on his watch.

No matter how we feel about this current situation, if left unchecked, like Al Qaeda, this will come back to bite us in the years to come. It's almost a certainty, being that the leader is also said to be even more anti-American than was bin Laden.

Regardless of the future and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I have to agree with Nancy Pelosi. Ugh, that hurt.

She said that this is not our fight and we should stay out of it.

I agree, but for a different reason. We simply no longer have the political will to do what is necessary to defeat these guys. We don't have the stomach to bomb them back into the Stone Age, and that is the only way to defeat them. They must all be wiped out – every last one of them. Anything less – and we will just be wasting our time, money and manpower.

Attribution: The Clarion Project / Daily Mail