Author Topic: It Takes Just One Simple Question For Matt Salmon To Destroy Obama Regarding Marine Prisoner  (Read 390 times)

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It Takes Just One Simple Question For Matt Salmon To Destroy Obama Regarding Marine Prisoner

I was wondering why the President...

Avatar of Tom Hinchey   Tom Hinchey — June 12, 2014

U.S. Marine Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi is still being held in a Mexican jail after he took a wrong turn across the international border in southern California with legally possessed and registered firearms, which are illegal in Mexico.

President Obama traded five Taliban terrorists for Army deserter Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who had walked away from his unit in Afghanistan back in 2009.  The White House has been justifying this illegal exchange with the “leave no man behind” talking point; yet the hypocrisy of that mantra doesn’t seem to apply to Sgt Tahmooressi. 

Arizona Representative Matt Salmon is slamming the administration for not helping this young war hero, who has no controversy surrounding his military service of two tours in Afghanistan.

Salmon said, “I was wondering why the President hasn’t lifted a finger at all to help Sgt. Tahmooressi, who is in prison in Mexico, and has been for two months.”

Tahmooressi is imprisoned due to making a wrong turn and accidentally crossing the border, not because he abandoned his post and sought to join the enemy.