Author Topic: Is there anything this White House won’t do?  (Read 249 times)

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Is there anything this White House won’t do?
« on: June 13, 2014, 09:29:58 am »
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Is there anything this White House won’t do?

Posted By Joe Wurzelbacher On June 12, 2014 @ 4:30 pm In Editor's Choice,Featured,Headlines & Head Lies,News,Political Gamesmanship | 7 Comments

obama constitution [1]

By Michael Becker

Well, they won’t obey the law – even the laws they passed with only Democratic votes and the President signed – and they won’t follow the Constitution. But, aside from that, we’re really talking about the effort they’ll make to cover-up incompetency and dishonesty.

There’s Fast & Furious, there’s the New Black Panther Party’s efforts at voter intimidation, there’s the DoJ involvement in the George Zimmerman prosecution that they were hoping would be a lynching, there’s the IRS mess, there’s the Benghazi [2] cover-up, there’s the criminal activities at the VA that has murdered who knows how many veterans, there’s, well, you know there’s a lot more.

The latest administration FusterCluck is the Terrorists for Traitors swap. We’re not going to out the grizzly details, if you’re not familiar with them ask our friend Mr. Bing about “Bergdahl” and he’ll tell you more than you want to know.

The wrinkle here is that is seems the administration got caught off-guard on this one. They thought that the military and the veterans and families would be celebrating in the streets over getting a “POW” home from captivity. It’s pretty obvious – and it was a long time ago for anyone paying attention – that the Obama administration, to a man (and woman) know absolutely nothing about the military. That includes Chuck Hagel, the Secretary of Defense.  After all, it seems his only job is defending the President, to hell with national security.

When the news about the circumstances of our POW hit the headlines, the fit hit the shan.  Even the NYT and the WaPo couldn’t ignore the level of anger on the part of those of us connected with or serving in the military, and the stupidity of the Obama administration, top to bottom.

So the stonewall boys went to work. The first thing they did was float the idea that the POW’s service was somehow “honorable.” That didn’t fly. Next, and this is on-going, they’re attacking the men who served with the POW, trying in every way possible to discredit them, dishonor them, and shut them up.

At this point we don’t think anybody in the Obama administration understands they’ve picked a fight with the wrong guys. These men are not John Boehner, Eric Cantor [3], or Mitch McConnell. These are men who understand what a fight is and who will carry it through to victory. They’re not afraid of a bunch of loudmouth politicians or their toadies. One would have thought they’d have learned their lesson when they took on John O’Neill [4] and got their collective clocks cleaned.

Obviously they haven’t learned.

It’s going to be interesting to see how long they try to defend the POW in question. The people they’re attacking will not back off and there’s an election coming up in five months.

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Contributed by Joe Wurzelbacher of Joe For America [6].

Joe for America [6]Joe “The Plumber” Wurzelbacher crashed on the scene in 2008 when a chance run-in with then candidate Barack Obama allowed Joe to confront the soon-to-be president on his tax-and-spend Socialist philosophy. It was then, in a moment of clarity, Barack Obama let slip his real agenda; “I just want to spread some of that wealth around…” In an effort to inform the public Joe created the Joe for America [6] web site, where you can find commentary, videos and ideas covering a wide array of topics from leading thinkers. You can also follow him on Facebook [7], Twitter [8] or Youtube [9].

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[4] John O’Neill:,d.cGU

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