Author Topic: Bombshell: Benghazi Filmmaker CONFIRMED To Be An Agent Of Eric Holder Justice Department  (Read 580 times)

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Bombshell: Benghazi Filmmaker CONFIRMED To Be An Agent Of Eric Holder Justice Department

Walid Shoebat 12 hours ago

Editor's Note: Earlier this week, we brought you news about the producer of the film that was at the heart of the Obama administration talking points on Benghazi admitting to being a Muslim, not a Coptic Christian as he had been portrayed to America. Now Walid Shoebat, Ben Barrack and Keith Davies confirm he is an agent of Eric Holder's Justice Department.

The producer of the anti-Muhammad video the Obama administration blamed for the Benghazi attacks is actually a confirmed agent of Eric Holder's Justice Department.

The damning trail of evidence begins when a fictitious narrative was concocted by the FBI to lure the courts that Nakoula (the Filmmaker, aka Yousef) was supposed to help the FBI catch Eiad Salameh, his partner in crimes for many years. Yet, the deal was never fulfilled and Eiad was let go by the Feds in 2011 as revealed in a firsthand account never before reported, including a recorded conversation between Nakoula and in which the filmmaker defended Eiad, the very man he was supposed to help the FEDS catch!

Bolstering the case (aside from the Feds letting two criminals go) is how the filmmaker became an agent of Eric Holder. After Nakoula's arrest, there was a very curious development at the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Central District of California, which was handling his case through an Assistant U.S. Attorney who suddenly was pulled off the case and replaced by a full bird -  Chief of the office's Criminal Division, Robert Dugdale. 

Nakoula got high-profile attention.
In an article that appeared in the Washington Times, Kerry Picket wrote:

What is curious, though, is the fact that the original Asst. U.S. Atty. Jennifer Williams, who helped prosecute Mr. Yousef's [Nakoula] bank fraud conviction, is not the attorney Mr. Yousef's lawyers would eventually deal with. Mr. Yousef's probation violation case, for no explained reason, was kicked up to Chief Criminal Division prosecutor Asst. U.S. Atty. Robert Dugdale. Dugdale is second in the chain of command below U.S. Atty. Andre Birotte of the Central District of California.

Picket was suspicious, she attempted to get answers from the office's spokesman, Thom Mrozek:

When I pointed out that AUSA Dugdale was not part of the team of attorneys who did prosecute Yousef's case and asked why the case was kicked up the chain to AUSA Dugdale, Mr. Mrozek responded, "I don't comment on staffing decisions."

The U.S. Attorney over Dugdale – Andre Birotte, Jr. became the local caretaker of a very high profile and high stakes case the Obama administration wanted to control very closely and later was nominated by Obama to be U.S. District Judge for California's Central District.

Eiad Salameh, Nakoula's partner in crimes – also beholden to the administration – obtained special favors from doing the Justice Department's bidding. According to a report by The Smoking Gun just days after the Benghazi attacks, charges against Eiad (who has a proven rap sheet) were dropped in the same year that Canadian authorities picked him up:

It is unclear whether Salameh, whose whereabouts are unknown, has been charged in connection with the bank fraud. Salameh was named in a 2006 federal criminal complaint charging him with felony fraud. That complaint–filed under one of Salameh's many aliases–was dismissed last year by federal prosecutors. A court docket shows that no filings were made after the initial complaint, likely indicating that Salameh was never apprehended.

But the last sentence is incorrect; Salameh was apprehended.

Jeffrey Mason of the Canadian Peel Police picked Salameh up in January of 2011!

At that time, he should have been wanted in connection with both the 2006 and 2009 cases, assuming he was involved in the Nakoula bank fraud case. Yet, the 2006 case was dropped in either the same month Eiad was arrested or in the months that followed. has learned from one retired FBI agent that this doesn't just happen unless Eiad was providing the Feds with something in return for such treatment.

As has reported, a timeline provides further evidence that the Obama Administration was in cahoots with these figures in the summer of 2011, during the July-August time frame.

1.) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton co-chaired a meeting in Istanbul, Turkey with the head of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). It was to be the first of several meetings that would become known as "The Istanbul Process". One of the objectives of the OIC has been and remains, to pressure non-Muslim countries to censor speech critical of Islam.

2.) Nakoula began casting for his video.

3.) Eiad Salameh was put on a plane back to Palestine by the Canadians after Eric Holder's FBI refused to have him extradited and charged.

Eiad was clearly on the hook with the U.S. Justice Department if his 2006 case was dismissed.

FBI's Benghazi Investigation
When UN Ambassador Susan Rice blamed Nakoula's video for the Benghazi attacks during her five Sunday talk show appearances on September 16, 2012, it served to anger the president of Libya, who shortly before Rice, had identified the attack as an act of terrorism. Last year, State Department whistle blower Gregory Hicks, the Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya at the time of the attacks, testified about this and said Rice's comments prevented the FBI from getting to the site of the attacks for weeks.

Here is Hicks giving his testimony while being questioned by the current chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC):