Author Topic: After What This Congressmen Just Did, Eric Holder Could Finally Be Impeached!  (Read 284 times)

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After What This Congressmen Just Did, Eric Holder Could Finally Be Impeached!

“It’s a difficult move..."

Avatar of B. Christopher Agee   B. Christopher Agee — June 6, 2014

Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar has aimed plenty of criticism at this administration. Most recently, he joined a growing chorus of Americans upset that Obama bypassed Congress – in violation of a law he himself signed – by unilaterally releasing five dangerous terrorists in exchange for suspected Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl.

In Gosar’s view, Attorney General Eric Holder bears a great deal of responsibility for the scandals that have rocked the White House since he assumed office in 2009.

“We’ve seen a wanton disrespect for the rule of law,” he asserted. “Very, very poor legal counsel is being given to the president by the attorney general.”

While not the first to suggest impeaching America’s first black attorney general, Gosar confirmed this week that he is dedicated to pursuing that option. He said he will decide this month whether he will join forces with legislators behind a similar bill introduced by Rep. Pete Olson or draft his own articles of impeachment.

He called the Obama administration the “most lawless” in American history, suggesting the corruption “starts at the top with Eric Holder,” who should be impeached for his failure to uphold and enforce the nation’s laws.

This is not Gosar’s first attempt to see Holder removed from his post at the head of the Justice Department. As controversy swelled regarding the attorney general’s handling of the Mexican gun-walking scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, he mounted an effort to demand Holder’s resignation.

An overwhelming majority of the House joined the cause as all but two Republicans – and 17 Democrats – voted in 2012 to find Holder in contempt of Congress.

“My calls have been very, very successful in the Republican aspect and right now I’m working on the leadership in the House,” Gosar explained, noting legislators can actually advance articles of impeachment while calls for resignation are more symbolic.

“It’s a difficult move,” he conceded, “because it means we’re coming to the last vestages of how we deal with how we solve these problems; but when people look at the facts, we can’t keep doing this. We have to be a law-abiding country.”

In addition to Fast and Furious, Gosar has a number of other serious complaints about Holder’s job performance – including “illegal aliens who are being abandoned without resources” in violation of federal law.