Author Topic: Never Ever Use the Word Inflation – EVER!  (Read 289 times)

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Never Ever Use the Word Inflation – EVER!
« on: June 09, 2014, 09:48:12 am »
- The Daily Sheeple - -

Never Ever Use the Word Inflation – EVER!

Posted By Contributing Author On June 8, 2014 @ 5:00 pm In Economy and Finance,Editor's Choice,Featured,Perspectives | 4 Comments

inflation [1]

Last night, I was watching a mainstream media “news” story about inflation. The word inflation was never used [2]. The correspondent discussed every aspect of cost increases and danced a beautiful word-dance, of course with a gigantic, glowing smile but never once addressed the elephant in the room. I explained to my wife that the correspondent is not allowed to use the word inflation as that would send shivers down the spine of the masses. It would also send all the people on a fixed income, like Social Security, to the local office to demand a larger cost of living raise. We can’t have that, better to starve them to death than to tell the truth. The truth was disguised as “smaller packages,” “less product” and every other form of Orwellian double-speak [3] you can think of. Does anyone question what the story is about? Does anyone understand the story is telling you point blank that inflation is running at 10% or higher?

Here is a prime example of the current double-speak that is being spewed by public relations people at the mega food companies only to be parroted by the MSM for mass consumption.

…Minute Maid juice boxes [4] had gone from 6.75 ounces to 6 ounces, but the price has stayed at $3.49.

Minute Maid told ABC News in a statement: “We are not immune to adverse impacts on our brands such as increasing commodity, fuel, packaging, and fruit costs. Earlier this year we introduced the 6 oz. package size for our juice boxes. The adjusted size allowed the business to successfully maintain retail prices amidst rising input costs while still providing preferred sizing for the category.” [source [5]]

The example above is describing 12.5% inflation. Imagine what would happen if people actually understood the juice box just went up by 12.5% instead of being described as a decrease. A decrease, smaller, lighter all words that the presstitute media uses to point the mind away from the problem and to the rainbow spewing unicorn dancing into the sunset. Don’t you feel better getting a smaller, lighter box of Monsanto juice for the same cost? What would happen if social security checks were to increase by, just to be conservative, 8% as a cost-of-living raise? What impact would that have on our economy? How would we–the taxpayers–afford it? If we were to raise social security benefits by 8%, that would mean the taxpayers income would plunge by the same amount. Where else would the funding materialize? China is no longer funding our debt, Russia is dumping our debt and Japan, and well they have much bigger issues than purchasing our debt. So, where would the funding come from? I have an idea. MyRA [6].

The point is, the presstitute media shows images of smaller packages (better), with less product (better) and reduced sizes (better). All trigger words for living a better, healthier lifestyle. The dumb-down society shakes their collective head and agrees, less is better! The real issue is never discussed, and it certainly will never, ever be spoken. I am grateful the Main stream media is at least demonstrating to people the packages are getting smaller, there is a reduction in ounces per package and the price did not go down. What is disgusting is the level of ignorance that our society has reached within my lifetime. It is a sad day when garbage information is accepted as filet mignon [7] and the diner requests seconds.

If you still believe inflation is running at somewhere around 2% as reported over and over by the federal government and espoused by the presstitute media, check the size of the package, check the number of ounces and don’t forget to count the number of servings per container. Where I live, one of the soda bottling companies stopped producing the 24 ounce size bottle. It has been replaced with a 16 ounce for the same price. That represents 33% inflation. What I personally see is a reduction in product by various means and what I am experiencing is inflation running between 8% and 33%. This is not sustainable.

Here’s the happy, rainbow, spewing unicorn video version. Notice the implied smiley face in the freeze frame before the video starts–see the apples making a smiley face? Accident? I don’t think so.

ABC US News [8] | ABC International News [9]

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple [10]

Contributed by Rory Hall of Freedom Outpost [11].

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URLs in this post:

[1] Image:

[2] inflation was never used:

[3] Orwellian double-speak:

[4] Minute Maid juice boxes:

[5] source:

[6] MyRA:

[7] filet mignon:

[8] ABC US News:

[9] ABC International News:

[10] The Daily Sheeple:

[11] Freedom Outpost: