Author Topic: Marie Harf Has To Be The Stupidest Person In The Federal Government…  (Read 564 times)

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Offline katzenjammer

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Marie Harf Has To Be The Stupidest Person In The Federal Government…

…which is no mean achievement. We know the Obama administration is full of museum-grade morons, but it’s rare you’ll ever see something as laughably idiotic as the show Harf put on yesterday…

A few pearls before swine here. To Miz Harf, the last thing you want to do is to put the State Department in the middle of the Bowe Bergdahl controversy when in fact the circumstances of his capture by the Taliban are to be determined by the Pentagon, not Foggy Bottom. The correct answer there is “accusations have been made, and the State Department will defer to the Department of Defense’s resolution of the Bergdahl affair. For now, we are very pleased that Sgt. Bergdahl is safe and out of enemy hands.”

But if you have to fall out of the stupid tree and hit every limb on the way down, you really don’t want to make it worse by directly calling out just about every one of Bergdahl’s squad mates who have come forth to say precisely the same thing – that he left a Forward Operating Base on the front lines of an active military conflict without his helmet, body armor and weapon, that he was critical of the Army and the war effort, that there is no question he deserted his post and that men died in the vain attempt to find and recover him after he deserted, in circumstances suggesting a heightened level of intelligence on the part of the enemy (possibly as a result of Bergdahl’s collaboration).

(rest at link above)

Offline IZZY ANN

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Relax, Katz ....
They only put her out there, so Susan Rice won't appear so stupid.

Offline katzenjammer

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But while Hagel and Dempsey at least couched their denials in the form of respecting Bergdahl’s right to the presumption of innocence, Harf went even further toward an affirmative defense of his conduct in the same vein as Rice. The stupidity of that will only fuel this scandal rather than serve to tamp it down as other Step One actions have done in previous scandals.

Offline olde north church

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She'll be playing the part of Miss Piggy in the road company of "Muppets, Muppets Everywhere".
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.