Author Topic: USDA to Spend $1.9 Mil Researching Outlawing Combo Platters  (Read 342 times)

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USDA to Spend $1.9 Mil Researching Outlawing Combo Platters

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On June 4, 2014 @ 2:11 pm In The Point | 4 Comments

America has suffered its worst economic quarter in three years. We lost the War in Afghanistan and the VA has been doing an even better job of killing vets than the Taliban.

But Obama has got his eye on the ball. He’s committed to working toward what really matters.

Shutting down power plants, celebrating gay pride month and banning combo platters.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is creating a $2 million research center to study how the government can “nudge” Americans toward making healthier eating habits.

The agency is currently accepting grant applications to establish a “Center for Behavioral Economics and Healthy Food Choice Research,” which will facilitate studies such as how breaking up combo meals at fast food restaurants would influence customers.

Will restaurants voluntarily do that? Obviously not. So this is an exploration of whether people can be manipulated into eating less by outlawing combo platters.

Or Obama Inc. can just keep raising the price of food.

Bacon was at $3.60 a lb under Bush. It’s now up to $5.60 a lb under Obama. The price of a whole frozen Thanksgiving turkey was at $1.32 a lb under Bush. It’s up to $1.81 under Obama.

The price of a tub of margarine went up from $1.50 to $2.10.

But that just means more people having to rely on food stamps and eating what the government and Michelle Obama tells them to eat.

“With a total outlay of $108.9 billion in FY 2013, food and nutrition assistance accounted for 72 percent of USDA’s budget,” the announcement said. “Approximately 1 in 4 Americans participated in at least 1 of the 15 food and nutrition assistance programs at some point during FY 2013, making these programs fundamental to the nutritional well-being of millions of Americans.”

Sure. Nationalize health care. Then nationalize food. If anyone complains, nationalize speech.

The USDA also proposed a study on changing how food is described on menus, labeling low-sodium and low-fat versions as “regular,” and “framing regular versions of certain snack products as high-fat or high-sodium.”

Just call anything that tastes good ‘toxic’. Problem solved.

Article printed from FrontPage Magazine:

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