Author Topic: Obama in Poland - Our pretty sacred rule - We don't leave men behind.  (Read 712 times)

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Obama in Poland on Bergdahl question.

“The United States has always had a pretty sacred rule and that is uh uh we don’t leave uh our men and women in uniform behind  ( long pause) and that dates back to our earliest revolution .”


What about our sacred rule of not negotiating with terrorist?   It’s a good thing for him that the speech at West  Point was not this week.
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Tell that to Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods
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And not leaving a man behind dates back to our Revolution?     His ignorance of American History in the position he is in, just amazes me. The  tradition of no leaving a man behind certainly can’t be traced back to the Revolution, the War of 1812, or even the Civil War.
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At the end of the statement he tries to cover himself or point blame at congress, by saying "we consulted with congress for quite some time about the posibility of a prisoner exchange."

Consulting and getting approval is not the same thing.   
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Offline rb224315

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“The United States has always had a pretty sacred rule and that is uh uh we don’t leave uh our men and women in uniform behind”

Uh, Zero, uh, I'm pretty sure, uh, we left Benedict Arnold to his own devices after he turned.  If the reports about this Bergdahl guy are true, he's nothing but a common traitor who should have been left behind.  Obama successfully freed six America-hating figures, including one who wore the same uniform as a whole heckuva lot of brave men and women.  Too bad Patton isn't around.  I'd sure love to hear his take on this whole sordid tale.
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Offline PzLdr

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Obama's in Poland? Where are those Panzer Divisions and Stukas when you really need them? And yes, I'd leave Il Douche behind.
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Sgt. Tahmooressi is asking *what about me*....
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Sgt. Tahmooressi is asking *what about me*....

My first thought as well when I heard the radio sound-bite this morning. The 100,000+ petition is now on the White House website asking President Obama to demand the release of a Marine sergeant Tahmooressi from a Mexico prison - but it does't serve Obama politically, so the sergeant and the petition will be ignored.  Not just by the white house, but also by the mainstream media.
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This is another thing that pisses me off..we now need a petition to get the president's attention on a Marine held in a foreign jail... :chairbang:
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Cannot stand that redhead young woman who is the State Department spokeswoman.....that smirk, with a liberal dash of contempt.   

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Re: Obama in Poland - Our pretty sacred rule - We don't leave men behind.
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2014, 02:02:53 pm »
This is another thing that pisses me off..we now need a petition to get the president's attention on a Marine held in a foreign jail... :chairbang:

We have a representative government, (I think).   Where in the Constitution does it say the President will listen when he has a petition containing 100,000 signatures?   That silly white house petition idea should have ended before it began.   
A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it. :Jonathan Cahn

Offline rb224315

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Re: Obama in Poland - Our pretty sacred rule - We don't leave men behind.
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2014, 02:04:12 pm »
Cannot stand that redhead young woman who is the State Department spokeswoman.....that smirk, with a liberal dash of contempt.   

It's hard to fathom but I think she's almost as self-deluded as Jay Carney and is probably as big a liar as him or Stephanie Cutter.  Now, I don't throw around the "liar" label indiscriminately.  Obama, Carney, and Cutter--and most likely the State spokeswoman--all continue to say things that are verified to be untrue and they keep defending those things.
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Offline rb224315

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Re: Obama in Poland - Our pretty sacred rule - We don't leave men behind.
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2014, 02:20:14 pm »
We have a representative government, (I think).   Where in the Constitution does it say the President will listen when he has a petition containing 100,000 signatures?   That silly white house petition idea should have ended before it began.   

I don't think the constitutionality is the point.  The White House created a mechanism for constituents to lodge questions/concerns/complaints/rude remarks and included the parameters required for getting an "official" response.  In more than one case they haven't honored their own parameters.

I agree that the whole idea is silly.  It's nothing more than an attempt by the regime to show Obama as a "man of the people".  But, if they're going to use this silly thing they should honor their own rules.
rb224315:  just another "Creepy-ass Cracka".