Author Topic: Islam is Evil and We Must Tell Everyone!  (Read 389 times)

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Islam is Evil and We Must Tell Everyone!
« on: June 02, 2014, 01:45:15 pm »

Islam is Evil and We Must Tell Everyone!

By David Whitley   / 2 June 2014   / 1 Comment   

When the British were coming to disarm the rebel Colonial militia and capture patriots Samuel Adams and John Hancock as the "Sons of Liberty" leaders -- Paul Revere rode to warn them and alert the town’s people "The British Were Coming!"  Could one imagine the results of that night and the unclaimed destiny of America had the ride and the warning never happened?  What would America look like today if the arms were not moved and the patriots not prepared for what was to occur at Lexington and Concord?

Self-censorship in the face of evil is beyond cowardly; as Dietrich Bonhoeffer put it, "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."  Governments need not be tyrannical or oppressive if the people are so willing to silence themselves without compulsion.  Edmund Burke said "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" which is as true today as it ever was.

Why do so many remain silent when the facts are clear that the jihadists get their inspiration from the Qur'an just as they claim?

girlsislamThere are nearly 300 enslaved kidnapped Black African Christian girls in Nigeria who are under threat of being married off as child brides or even murdered and what we get from the current administration and other politicians is hashtag diplomacy.  That's deplorable.  While there may be little we can do, there is a lot we can say.

Where is the African-American outrage?

The American slave ancestors -- of those we today call African-Americans -- began their journey from Africa to the Americas as the captured slaves of Muslim slave traders, who in the process of taking them alive, killed 10 of their kin and tribesmen.  Do they not know their own history?  Where are the African-Americans on this issue?  Without Islam and Boko Haram type jihadists the Americas might never have had slavery.

Where is the Jewish outrage?

We have 1,400 years and 270 million dead in genocidal fashion at the hands of Islamic jihadists, beginning with Muhammad.  Jewish tribes were some of the first massacred by Muhammad and his soldier warriors for Allah.

Where are the Christians?

We have mass Christian persecution across the globe, slaughtered daily, burned out churches, kidnapped children, thousands of Christian refugees, others jailed, tortured, burned, stoned, hanged for their faith.  Yet, the silence from the Christian community is deafening!

Where are the feminists?

We have young girls sold as brides, female genital mutilation rampant, vaginal stitching, wife beating, honor killings by the tens of thousands, lashings, stoning and second class status for women under Sharia (Islamic law), and the women are silent?  Where is the National Organization of Women, (N.O.W.)?

islam2When gunmen like Elliot Rodger (UC Santa Barbara), Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook), Jared Loughner (Arizona) or James Holmes (Colorado) go on a shooting rampage, the media, within hours, has mounds of details about the shooters immediate past and lays bare nearly his entire life story in just a few days.

Yet, and here's the point, when Al Qaeda, or Boko Haram or the Muslim brotherhood, or any other self-proclaimed Islamic jihadists declares that they are killing or dying in the way of Allah, the left ignores them -- they look the other way.  They disbelieve.  They report that they are misguided extremists.  They write them off as terrorists perverting a peaceful religion.  They become modern day Neville Chamberlain's.  The greatest risk of history is appeasement; it is the sister of surrender.


Do the journalists bother to do any research on these Boko Haram jihadists?  Do they ever check the Islamic scriptures to see what they say?  Obviously not.  Do they follow up on Islam's 1,400 years of consistent conquest, slavery and death through jihad?  Obviously not.  The evidence, the facts, the pieces of the puzzle are all right before them, handed to them by the jihadists on a silver platter, and yet they look away.  They refuse to call evil what it is, because they refuse to believe the truth.  The left is easily seduced by those who would claim victimization even as they are perpetrating evil.

Driving through a drug and gang infested neighborhood filled with churches is perplexing and requires some complex analysis and second thoughts.  However, thirteen years after 9/11/01 and the left in America still doesn't believe what the jihadists tell them about why they are doing what they are doing, even when they repeatedly give them the scriptures to prove it.

What are we to do when the Muslim Brotherhood proclaims 'Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Qur'an is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope" and the mainstream press ignores it -- rather than broadcasting it?  Is it not then the obligation of citizens to become modern day Paul Revere's, "good Samaritans" to the American families who are in danger of waking at dawn to find the threat is no longer in the harbor but has come ashore?


Offline GourmetDan

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Re: Islam is Evil and We Must Tell Everyone!
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2014, 02:00:11 pm »

Where are the Christians?

We have mass Christian persecution across the globe, slaughtered daily, burned out churches, kidnapped children, thousands of Christian refugees, others jailed, tortured, burned, stoned, hanged for their faith.  Yet, the silence from the Christian community is deafening!

Really?  Who controls the issues?

Surely people don't believe that media is responsive to public concerns rather than setting them.

That would be rather foolish...

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

"The sole purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as an ineffective alternative to the Democrat Party." - GourmetDan