Author Topic: The DOJ's authoritarianism under Eric Holder  (Read 247 times)

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The DOJ's authoritarianism under Eric Holder
« on: June 02, 2014, 01:00:09 am » has a very good article on Eric Holder's Department of Justice.

A bit of it:

The nation’s top extortion artist, Eric Holder, is at it again (or still). This time, rather than running guns to Mexican drug cartels or investigating reporters who publish inconvenient facts about the administration’s scandals, Holder is taking aim at America’s small businesses. While Holder and Co have been busy collecting billion dollar fines from big banks, they’ve taken a more direct approach to snub out businesses that don’t necessarily conform with the Holder/Obama view of America.

Operation Choke Point, as it has been known, was a DOJ initiative that was intentionally designed to pressure banks and lenders into avoiding certain industry-specific businesses. Ostensibly, Operation Choke Point was designed to fight money laundering and fraud. The secretive initiative was launched with little fanfare in 2013. According to the Justice Department, it was aimed at “choking out” companies the Administration considered high-risk, despite the fact that they were legal businesses that had shown no signs of fraud. ...

The DOJ has acknowledged that their tactics have resulted in many businesses being unduly punished, but brushed off any concerns by saying that legitimate businesses will merely have to make additional efforts to “prove to banks they are not engaged in fraud.” Because, yeah… That’s clearly how our system is supposed to work, right? I mean, sure, we could try to use the DOJ to target people that have actually broken laws, but that would require a little less Chicago-style corruption. ...

There is a growing sense among the ruling elite, that government is a tool to keep the citizens in line. The IRS is more than a revenue collection agency, it is (apparently) a tool to silence and harass political opponents. The DOJ isn’t merely a law enforcement agency, but an agency with the power to manipulate and intimidate the public into compliance with certain world views.

When (a) government is gleefully wielding its power to harass, bully or intimidate the populace into submission, things have gone off the track somewhere. I guess this is the “Hope and Change” that America voted for in 2008: A world where the government runs extortion schemes and protection rackets while bullying industries they don’t like. Who knew that liberal utopia looked so much like Chicago?

Here is a link to the entire article:!