Author Topic: Israeli Prime Minister Announces Intention To Build “Everywhere” In Jerusalem  (Read 467 times)

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Israeli Prime Minister Announces Intention To Build “Everywhere” In Jerusalem
By Joseph R. Carducci on June 1, 2014  | Subscribe to Joseph R. Carducci's feed   |

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu understands where his security lies. He is not worried about making any formal peace treaty with the Palestinians since he understands that the Arabs most likely will not keep it. After all, we have seen time and again that the whole goal of the Palestinians is to form their own state and then slowly (or rapidly, if the political winds allow) expand this to swallow up all of Israel.

In other words, the Palestinians do not recognize the right of Israel to even exist. In fact, they will not even concede allowing the nation to be called the “Jewish” state of Israel. Tolerant, right?

This should be taken into consideration when we hear the words of the good Prime Minister. He made a strong announcement this week at a ceremony marking the 47th anniversary of Israel’s reunification after the 1967 Six Day War. He told the crowd that the capital of Jerusalem is the very heart of their nation and that it must always be connected to the soul of Israel.

He further urged that with Jerusalem occupying a central place in the nation’s history, they must continue development. This means continuing to strengthen the state of Israel, building and developing “everywhere” in the capital, “without stopping.”

As you might expect the Palestinian Authority wants Netanyahu to tone down these words, which they consider to be only rhetoric. This obviously works against their own objectives of Palestinian statehood. A PA spokesman even claimed that such words will prevent the American led peace talks from continuing. According to him, East Jerusalem MUST become the capital of any Palestinian state. The refusal of Israel to accept such a position would have “grave consequences” and certainly (in their minds, anyway) “not contribute at all to prospects of achieving peace.”


Still, Israel already has a number of building and development projects in the works within East Jerusalem. They are expanding the Shaare Zedek Medical Center and also looking to complete the construction of the National Campus for the Archeology of Israel over the next three years.

A new Pew Research Center poll released earlier this month shows that most Americans tend to agree with Netanyahu. Fewer people than last year believe that an independent Palestine can coexist in a state of peace with Israel. Fortunately, it doesn’t seem like Netanyahu is willing to give up land for peace.

Remember, also, that the Palestinians really don’t want peace anyway. This is a fact that Israel remembers well. The Palestinians have never officially given up on their strategy of ‘pushing Israel into the sea.’

Of course, Obama has been doing everything he can to foment the situation. He has snubbed Israel at almost every chance he’s had. The so-called deal over the Iranian nuclear program continues to maintain the imminent threat the country poses for Israel. The bottom line is that Obama is a Muslim sympathizer who hates the state of Israel and will do whatever he can to prevent them from enjoying peace and security.

What do YOU think? Is Obama not committed to helping Israel because he is secretly a Muslim sympathizer? What about the steps he is taking to make a so-called nuclear deal with Iran? Do you think the Palestinians should be given the Holy Land in exchange for peace? Can they be trusted?
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« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 08:14:58 pm by rangerrebew »