Author Topic: DHS Labels Veterans "Violent" "Extremists" Who Are "'Disgruntled' About the Takeover of the US."  (Read 304 times)

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DHS Labels Veterans "Violent" "Extremists" Who Are "'Disgruntled' About the Takeover of the US."

Tim Brown 6 hours ago

As we observed Memorial Day yesterday, Barack Obama was playing his 165th round of golf. However, he did take time out of his schedule to offer lip service from Arlington National Cemetary to the veterans he despises so much. However, while he spoke eleoquently of veterans, his administration is embroiled in a scandal where the lack of care for our veterans has led to countless deaths and his continued warmongering continues to put current military personnel in harm's way, but not for national defense. Even more sinister, if the Obama Department of Homeland Security's claim that our veterans, "who have fought in foreign wars and are 'disgruntled' about the takeover of the US" are classified as "extremists" and "violent."


US veterans of war, this is what the current Commander-in-chief and his administration, an administration heavily made up and influenced by those you have been told were your enemy (the Muslim Brotherhood), thinks of you.

Yes, there are others listed in this brief capture, but does anyone notice something that is missing? That's right, it's Islamists. The Bush administration tried to tell us that Islam had been hijacked and it was only the "radicals" who engage in jihad. Doing that secured the fact that any war we engaged in, we would never win, because the ideology is at the heart of the matter. The West is at war with Islam, not radicals.

You may recall the military indoctrination manual that came out, which specified evangelical Christians at the top of the list, ahead of the Muslim Brotherhood as "religious extremists." Of course, we recall that when that was exposed, the Obama administration shuffled that off as some lone person who constructed the manual and they knew nothing about it. Now, under the direction of the Obama administration, the Defense Department, FBI, DHS and other federal agencies are scrubbing references to Islam and jihad in their counter-terrorist indoctrination. Even the terrorist linked Hamas-CAIR is flexing its Islamic supremacist muscles on the local level and intimidating local sheriffs who were intending on hosting counter terrorism training by those that believe Islam is terrorism.

What I find even more concerning in the text is what the veterans are disgruntled about: "The takeover of the US." Veterans have seen firsthand what Islam, Communism and Socialism do. Of course, they are concerned, and for good reason.

Our veterans have fought against those who truly believe in Islam, as taught in the Qur'an and the hadiths. They have fought against the National Socialists in Germany and the Communists in Vietnam. They know about the goals of the Communist Party, which were entered into the Congressional Record years ago, and we see developing before our eyes. Now, they have to endure all of these ideologies in their House, the White House. They endure the ridicule, the embarrassment and the mockery of their service to our country by having to listen to men and women espouse the very ideology that they fought against, that took their friends' lives, that took their limbs, and that forever haunts their memories.

Just over a decade ago, most Americans understood what Islam is and what it has been throughout history. It is a political ideology wrapped in the shroud of religion, but it is demonic and deadly. One need look no further than to the founder of Islam to determine the lifestyle he led and what he promoted to see that there is nothing good in Islam.

Now, consider the fact that Islam is almost endorsed by the current administration as the religion of the West. In fact, Obama's own DHS advisor Mohammed Elibiary, an Islamic imam, said, “America is an Islamic Country,” and that the best antidote to terrorism is Islam! The reality is that Islam is terrorism. Elibiary believes America is an Islamic Country because Islamists believe that when an Islamist is in charge of any country, that it is Islamic, regardless of the country's history or culture.

Our veterans have paid with life, limb, and blood in their service to the United States and yet, Muslims in foreign lands and here at home are treated with greater respect than they are.  It is treasonous.

Our veterans deserve better than this. I, for one, will not stand by and let them be called "violent extremists" by those Islamic, Socialist and Communist ideologues, who are the real terrorists, without raising my voice in opposition. Will you do the same?