Author Topic: Obama is Guilty of Dereliction of Duty, Malpractice, Criminal Neglect and Treason  (Read 203 times)

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Obama is Guilty of Dereliction of Duty, Malpractice, Criminal Neglect and Treason

Posted 21 mins ago by Dave Jolly Filed under Amnesty, Constitution, Corruption, Crime, Ethics, Immigration, Military, National Security, Patriotism, Scandals

On this Memorial Day, we are called to remember and honor our loved ones, friends and others who served and died protecting our country and securing our freedoms. Like so many others, I have family members who served and died and a number who served and lived. I chose to honor them all on this day as they were all willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect you, me and the American way of life.

Sadly, President Barack Obama would rather honor and pay tribute to the millions of illegal aliens rather than to the men and women who fought and served our nation. Undoubtedly, Obama will visit Arlington National Cemetery and pay a fake homage to our fallen heroes, but his real actions as president reveal how he truly feels about those who sacrificed for his freedoms.

Just weigh the difference between what Obama does for our veterans versus what he does for illegal aliens. As I previously reported on the VA hospital in Phoenix and how dozens of veterans died while waiting for appointments that were intentionally delayed. Now we are hearing that it wasn’t just at the Phoenix VA but at many of the VA facilities around the nation. Hundreds of veterans, perhaps thousands have been denied the medical treatment they are entitled to for serving our country.

In addition, did you know that in Los Angeles, nearly 40,000 diagnostic tests and treatments for veterans suffering from a number of illnesses, including cancer, were intentionally cancelled just to hide their backlog from the Washington bureaucrats? It seems that no one in the Obama administration cares for our veterans as they place their job performance over the lives and health of the veterans.

Men and women who have served in the military are now being discriminated against and targeted for owning guns. TSA agents have treated a number of them as if they were terrorists. Obama has taken away a number of benefits from our military personnel. He has been systematically stripping our military personnel of their rights, especially those that are Christians. Obama goes out of the way to criticized and condemn US military personnel for the disrespectful treatment of dead Taliban terrorists, but he remains silent when those same terrorists beheaded Army Staff Sgt. Matt Maupin, an American taken as a POW.

Now take a look at how Obama and his administration take care of the millions of illegal aliens here in the US. In New York, doctors are reporting that up to 40% of their kidney dialysis patients are illegals. Worse yet, a survey revealed that 65% of the nephrologists in 44 states indicated they treat illegals with some form of kidney disease.

While veterans are being denied proper medical care, illegals are rapidly depleting state budgets by all of the free medical care they receive. It was reported that illegals cost the state of Arizona around $700 million in 2009 alone. My family and friends have told me about a number of urgent care and emergency centers in the southern part of Arizona that have closed because they can’t afford to treat all of the illegals the feds force them to. Arizona residents in these smaller communities are now forced to travel a lot further for all of their medical emergency needs.

California lawmakers are in the process of extending Obamacare health benefits to 1.5 million illegals at taxpayer expense. In a state that is already facing a budget deficit of billions of dollars, they’re willing to go further in debt to help illegals while denying veterans in the state proper medical treatment.

While more and more veterans are being turned down for gun purchases and ownership by the federal background checks, illegals are being given in-state tuition in 16 states. Three other states have approved tuition benefits for illegals. The University of California at Berkeley, now by former HHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, is offering $5 million in financial aid for illegals to attend the school.

When you add all of this up, President Barack Obama is guilty of dereliction of duty for failing to secure our borders; guilty of malpractice for failing to provide proper care for our veterans and active military personnel; and guilty of treason for putting the well-being of illegal aliens ahead of our veterans and military personnel.

So when you see our ‘Traitor in Chief’ today acting like he cares for our fallen heroes, remember what a liar and hypocrite he is. I do hope that you take time to honor the fallen, the wounded and those still serving our nation. In spite of everything Obama has done to destroy our military, there are still many of them that are worth honoring.

To my Great Uncle Oard Meneese Richardson who died in World War I in Germany on June 11, 1918 – thank you. To my father, Willie E. Jolly who served 6 years in the US Navy from 1940 to 1946; to his brother, Donald B. Jolly who served 4 years in the US Navy during World War 2; to my wife’s brother Robert M. Watson who served during the Korean War; to my older brother Robert C. Jolly who served in the US Air Force during Vietnam; to my wife’s nephews Christopher, Justin and Jason Watson who all served during the conflict in Iraq – THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!