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McDaniel tries to rebound from dirty political scandal
« on: May 26, 2014, 07:37:08 am »

The Rose Cochran photo scandal has been quicksand for the Chris McDaniel Senate campaign since the first news of it broke a little over a week ago.

And as the clock ticks down to the June 3 Republican U.S. Senate primary, the question is whether McDaniel can pull out of it.

At first the quicksand was partially McDaniel’s own doing: He and his campaign folk couldn’t get their stories straight. They offered conflicting, shifting accounts of whether they knew anything of McDaniel supporter Clayton Kelly or the video hit piece he did on U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran. It showed photos of Cochran’s bedridden wife in a nursing home and claimed the 76-year old incumbent has a mistress — which Cochran denies — while his wife languishes.

Still, once the campaign firmed up its story, there was plausible deniability of any real knowledge of or relationship with a wannabe young politico blogger from Pearl.

That changed on Thursday. With the arrests of three alleged co-conspirators, the case got worse for the McDaniel camp.

One is a lawyer, ardent McDaniel supporter and campaign volunteer — and a top leader of tea party groups that are the foundation of McDaniel’s base. The Mississippi tea party groups have supplied the campaign with foot soldiers and social media warriors.

Another is a longtime McDaniel supporter who has co-hosted a radio show with McDaniel and replaced him on the program when McDaniel was elected to the state Senate.

The third is a respected teacher and soccer coach from McDaniel’s home county.

While authorities say there’s been no evidence connecting the case to a campaign proper, McDaniel would be hard put to say he doesn’t know at least a couple of the players and know them well.

And they allegedly were working on an extreme variation of a theme the McDaniel camp was pushing against Cochran.

In essence, the McDaniel loyalists’ dirty “October surprise” for Cochran backfired and has provided the Cochran campaign with one of its own, and a national-scandal doozy in the 11th hour at that.

It’s a case that will impact not just the upcoming GOP primary but likely Mississippi Republican politics — perhaps even national politics — in the long run.

The Republican “establishment” is likely to use it as a case study to try to chill the tea party movement.

The timing couldn’t have been worse for the McDaniel campaign.

It appeared to be gaining momentum as it shifted from being one of the best chances for a tea party-backed challenger to defeat a GOP incumbent in the mid-terms to the only chance. After recent primary defeats in other states, national tea party groups were focusing more of their efforts and money here.

And it came as McDaniel was focused on expanding his base beyond the tea party faithful, working to pick up independents and undecideds.

The McDaniel campaign only briefly went into “we’re so sorry this happened, Senator Cochran” mode, as it did its Mississippi two-step on who knew what and when. Then, McDaniel made a call for let’s-stick-to-the-issues. That’s hard to do when some of your supporters have just attempted one of the dirtiest tricks in state political history.

McDaniel supporters have been trying to rev up potential Cochran scandals, including a mystery loan to a super PAC that supports him. And at least one state tea party leader as of Friday was still riffing on Cochran’s “living situation with his executive assistant.” Cochran rents an apartment in her basement.

Now the McDaniel campaign is full-on trying to turn the tables on Cochran with the case, accusing him of “slander” and trying to game the incident with his wife for political points. They question the opportune timing. McDaniel has accused Cochran of sandbagging for weeks, to time arrests late in the race.

McDaniel continued Friday accusing Cochran of “using this incident for political purposes in order to hold onto power.”

But in the final days of a campaign, where conventional wisdom is to leave a final happy sunshine image with voters, that’s not the message on which any candidate would want to be focused.

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Re: McDaniel tries to rebound from dirty political scandal
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2014, 08:52:34 am »

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Re: McDaniel tries to rebound from dirty political scandal
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2014, 09:13:45 am »

The police report for the arrest of Clayton Kelly opens up a window into the alleged conspiracy to photograph the infirm wife of Senator Thad Cochran.  The report claims Clayton Kelly, "Mark"*, John Mary, and others began conspiring in February to photograph Mrs. Cochran  in her nursing home bed.  They intended to use the pictures in an  internet video attacking Senator Cochran.  Kelly and two other suspects were arrested and charged.  JJ obtained the reports through a public records request.

Clayton Kelly operates the "Constitutional Clayton" blog.  He faces charges of exploitation of a vulnerable adult, conspiracy, and taking a photograph where one has an expectation of privacy.  Madison police arrested and charged local attorney Mark Mayfield and Laurel soccer coach Rick Sager on a charge of conspiracy.  The police also charged Sager with one count of tampering with evidence.  Sager and Kelly still remain in police custody.  Police also charged Hattiesburg resident John Mary with conspiracy. He was not arrested.

The affidavit states the conspiracy began in February as Mary, Mayfield, and Kelly worked together to photograph Rose Cochran in her nursing home room.   Mrs. Cochran suffers from advanced dementia and has  lived in the Alzhiemer's unit at St. Catherine's Village in Madison since 2000. The  police report claims police discovered the conspiracy when Kelly agreed to let the police review his Facebook messages.  It seems Mr. Mary was his "handler" as he said Kelly and "John Bert" discussed how to photograph Mrs. Cochran.  Mr. "Bert" used a picture of the Star Wars character Obi Wan Kenobi for his profile image on Facebook. The report claims the conspiracy began on February 22 and "continued to on or about May 14..".  The police determined "John Bert" was John Beachman Mary after he gave his cell phone number to Kelly. The report continues the sordid tale:

    John Bert also stated in some of the messages that an individual named "Mark" would be making the arrangements to have an individual, yet to be identified, call Clayton Kelly with detailed instructions on where to locate Rose Cochran's room within St. Catherine's Village.  Messages furhter went on between John Bert and Clayton Kelly associated with John Bert asking on several occasions if there had been basically any progress made related to Clayton Kelly being successful at entering St. Catherine's Village."

Investigator Vickie Curry testified at Kelly's preliminary hearing Thursday that he  made three attempts to photograph Mrs. Cochran.  The police report states:

    These messages continuted until Clayton Kelly stated that he had finally chosen Easter Sunday as thee day he would finally be able to get inside St. Catherine's Village, with it being a high traffic day for visitors, in order to take the photos or video that they had been conspiring to obtain. 

Defendant Rick Sager is not mentioned in the report.
Kingfish note: They always travel in pairs, these Lords of the Sith.  Was John Mary a Sith Lord or just an apprentice?  If he is an apprentice, who is the Sith Lord?  This report is huge as the public can finally peek at a  portion of the alleged conspiracy.  If these allegations are true, then Constitutional Clayton was not acting as a rogue campaign supporter but had help and the help went on for nearly three months.  The charges may or may not stand in court.  It is still important to expose the conspiracy and determine who was involved in this little caper.  Disgusting.

*The "Mark" reference probably does not mean "Mark from Michigan".