Author Topic: Wyden: “Every American Has The Right To Know When Their Govt. Believes It Is Allowed To Kill Them”  (Read 262 times)

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Wyden: “Every American Has The Right To Know When Their Govt. Believes It Is Allowed To Kill Them”

Posted By Mac Slavo On May 24, 2014 @ 5:00 pm In Controlling the Herd,Editor's Choice,Featured,Perspectives,Politics,Survival and Preparedness,Videos and Media,War and Conflict,War and Conflict | 2 Comments

drone-strike [1]

This article first appeared at Washington’s Blog [2] and was sourced via Infowars [3].

SHTFplan [4] Editor’s Note: We may not have drones dropping bombs on American citizens within the borders of the United States today, but the laws, regulations, and strategies currently being employed by the U.S. government could one day lead to the overt assassination of those deemed to be enemies of the state. It’s gotten to the point that intelligence agencies are now using “meta data” and automated computer analysis to determine when someone should be targeted, often without human intervention. While this is happening on the international front, who’s to say it won’t become policy within the United States in the future?

It’s hard to believe that we’re even having this discussion in America today, but ignoring the warning signs may well take us down the same road we’ve seen authoritarian governments take throughout history. Americans don’t believe it’s possible. Neither did the citizens of Russia, China, and Germany in the 20th century, but that didn’t stop their governments from committing wholesale exterminations of those who were identified as threats. Secret charges, secret evidence, secret judiciary panels, and secret kills lists – that’s where we’re at in America right now.

(Washington’s Blog [5])

Senator Ron Wyden said yesterday:

Every American has the RIGHT to know when their government believes it is allowed to KILL them!

That’s a good point, given that:
•A top constitutional and military law expert says that Obama claims the right to assassinate any American citizen without charge [6] (updates here [7] and here [8])
•The defense department says that even the identity of enemies which our government is at war against is classified [9]
•Secret agencies [10] are making life-and-death decisions in secret [11], using secret evidence [11] and secret witnesses [12] … and even the laws [13] upon which the decisions are made are secret [14]

The fact that a senator even needs to say that shows how far we’ve fallen.

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Contributed by Mac Slavo of [16].

When it hits the fan, don’t say we didn’t warn you. Mac Slavo is the editor of [16], a resource hub for alternative news, contrarian commentary and strategies that you can take to protect yourself from the coming global paradigm shift.

Article printed from The Daily Sheeple:

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URLs in this post:

[1] Image:

[2] Washington’s Blog:

[3] Infowars:

[4] SHTFplan:

[5] Washington’s Blog:

[6] assassinate any American citizen without charge:

[7] here:

[8] here:

[9] the identity of enemies which our government is at war against is classified:

[10] Secret agencies:

[11] in secret:

[12] secret witnesses:

[13] even the laws:

[14] are secret:

[15] The Daily Sheeple:
