Author Topic: Thanks to Michelle Obama Schools Now Bullying Fat Kids  (Read 289 times)

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Thanks to Michelle Obama Schools Now Bullying Fat Kids
« on: May 24, 2014, 10:25:08 am »

Thanks to Michelle Obama Schools Now Bullying Fat Kids

Posted 1 hour ago by Dave Jolly Filed under Education, Ethics, Liberal Bullying

Photos reveal that after Michelle Obama moved into the White House and started living off the fat of the land, she began putting on the pounds. I have no idea who said something to her or perhaps she actually saw herself in the mirror one day, but a couple years ago, she realized she needed to do something about her weight.

In the dictatorial style of her husband, it wasn’t enough that Michelle decided to make changes in her eating habits, but she went on a campaign to force everyone else to do likewise. She tried to get public schools to change their menus to healthier foods. Many schools blindly followed along after her only to realize that the healthier menus cost them a lot more to provide and that a lot of students hated them and refused to eat them.

Michelle was not about to stop there. She also started pushing schools to help their students exercise. The irony of this is that due to deficit budgets, many schools started cutting sports and physical education classes. But the First Lady was not going to stop there. She kept insisting that schools actively help overweight students lose their pounds.

Now, public schools are bullying and shaming overweight students. Many schools are now conducting BMI (body mass index) screenings and then informing students that they are overweight for their age. While the schools may mean well, the letters being sent home to students are being referred to as ‘fat letters.’

The school BMI screening lumps all students into one category of being overweight because of diet and/or lack of exercise. However, they fail to make any consideration that there may be other factors that are totally out of the control of the student.

Such is the case of Maddy Karimi of Springboro, Ohio who received a fat letter from her school in 2011. She was so upset by the letter that she tore it to pieces. You see, Maddy’s struggle with her weight has nothing to do with diet or exercise. She runs track and eats a healthy diet. Maddy has a hormone growth deficiency that causes her body to put on weight.

Nikki Karimi told Local 12 news:

"To a point I understand. I mean we do have a childhood obesity problem in the United States. I don't know that it's their place to do it."

Maddy’s friend Bailey Webber has reacted to her friend’s fat letter by helping her dad, documentary filmmaker Mike Webber, look into the BMI screening practices that were mandated by Ohio law. His film, The Student Body, investigates the practice and interviews state lawmakers and school officials asking them if it is really their job to be shaming students about their weight.

Bailey commented about the topic:

"I hope to expose this topic and really question are we doing something that's right and is it helping the obesity problem, and sadly what I found is it is not only not helping the obesity problem, it's creating a negative psychological effect on our youth."

Some health professionals think the BMI screenings are very helpful and would like to see schools continue the practice. Dr. Bob Siegel, Director of the Center for Better Health and Nutrition at Children's Hospital in Cincinnati told Local 12 news:

"BMI screening I think is a good idea. It can be done in several settings."

"Having it done in the schools can really do a lot in my opinion in helping to identify kids and their families that might benefit from attacking this problem."

In a number of cases, students who receive the letters are then teased and shamed by other students and teachers. It’s turned into a form of bullying and ridicule and only serves to tear down a student’s self-image. The last thing an overweight student needs is everyone else telling them they are fat, especially teachers and school officials.

It seems the schools are not only following Michelle Obama’s lead, but also that of former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg who became known as the food police in the Big Apple.

At one time, schools concentrated on educating our kids. Now they monitor their social media and discipline them for things that happen away from school and have no bearing on the school whatsoever. Many public schools, especially inner city schools also work to undermine parental authority by providing free contraception to students and help guide them to Planned Parenthood abortion clinics without their parent’s consent or knowledge. Now they have become the fat police as well and parents need to take a stand and say enough is enough and for the public schools to get out of the private lives of your kids.