Author Topic: Ben Carson’s Conservative Views Earn Applause on Liberal Show!  (Read 316 times)

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Ben Carson’s Conservative Views Earn Applause on Liberal Show!

By Onan Coca   / 22 May 2014   / 258 Comments   

Dr. Ben Carson was a guest on the liberal gabfest known as the View where he fielded some tough questions from the liberal hosts. (Sidenote: Isn’t it interesting how conservatives always seem to get the tough, pointed questions on these shows – while liberals get softballs about their pets and such?)

Dr. Carson was up for the fight, though, and he may have even won some converts with his remarks. Watch it here.

Guest host (and male) Terry Crews asked:  "Do you think the welfare system is racist?"

To which Dr. Carson replied: "Let me put it this way: when you rob someone of their incentive to go out there and improve themselves, you are not doing them any favors. When you take someone and pat them on the head and say, 'There there you poor little thing,' I'm gonna give you food stamps, I'm gonna give you housing subsidies, I'm gonna give you free health care. What would be much more empowering, is to use our intellect and our resources to give those people a way up and out."

Dr. Carson’s uber-conservative answer led the crowd to cheer and applaud. Not generally a response conservatives get on the set of The View.

Dr. Carson also took the time to tear apart Obamacare and offer up better healthcare alternatives that Democrats keep glossing over. All in all, it was a successful media event for Dr. Carson as he continues to consider a run for the White House in 2016.