Author Topic: University Claims their Policies are above Constitution and Bill of Rights  (Read 274 times)

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University Claims their Policies are above Constitution and Bill of Rights

Posted 1 hour ago by Dave Jolly Filed under 14th Amendment, 1st Amendment, Constitution, Education, Liberal Bullying, Socialism

Many of America’s colleges and universities are now being run by liberal academics that have an agenda to help destroy the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Professors are allowed to fail students who hold strong Christian views. A growing number of colleges and universities openly discriminate against Christian students that believe in biblical creation and will prevent them from graduating or completing graduate programs. Just search through my previous writings for a number of examples.

Cameron University, located in Lawton, Oklahoma, can now be added to the list of universities that believe they are above the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and that they have the freedom to discriminate against anyone they choose.

In February, Cameron student Daniel Harper was handing out fliers on the campus that warned of the group known as World Mission Society. Harper claimed that they were nothing more than a pyramid scheme that was masquerading as a religious institution and therefore were distorting and misrepresenting the Bible.

According to Harper’s fliers, World Mission Society had traits found in cults and that they were teaching new prophecies. They claim to be the only source of truth, even above the Bible and that they readily try to recruit students into their group.

Like always, all it took was one student to complain about Harper’s fliers and he was hauled in before university officials. They told him that he was not allowed to hand out the fliers because other students were offended by them, when actually it was one student. School officials also told him that:

“His religious views were ‘discriminatory,’ ‘slanderous,’ and ‘libelous,’ even though the flyers merely expressed his point of view.”

According to Harper, Cameron’s Equal Opportunity Officer Thomas R. Russell told him the school’s policies are above the Constitution and that he must abide by the school policies regardless of what the First Amendment says. Russell went on to say:

“I like those amendments to the Constitution. They are foundations to democracy. But that’s all they are – foundations.”

“You can’t live on them. You’ll freeze to death in the winter and burn up in the summer.”

“All those federal laws are the foundations.”

“Once you get the foundation built to live in the house, you need framework and rooms, and that is the policies and procedures [of the school].”

So how does silencing a Christian because of the complaint of one person keep him from freezing to death in the winter or burning up in the summer?

According to Russell, Harper was found guilty of violating the university’s Employee Handbook section on Equal Opportunity Policy. However, Harper is student, not an employee of the university and therefore the Employee Handbook should not apply to him.

I checked out Cameron University’s website and found the Mission Statement that contradicts their actions with Harper:


“Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life-long learning, and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world; and is a driving force in the cultural life and economic development of the region.”

“Core Values

“We Value
◾“Student learning as our top priority
◾“Excellence in teaching, scholarship, service, and mentoring:

o   “Investing in people: The growth and development of our students, faculty and staff in a learning environment based on integrity, respect, and ethical behavior that encourages and provides opportunities for professional improvement”

The Alliance Defending Freedom has come to Harper’s aid and has filed a First Amendment lawsuit against Cameron University. David Hacker, Senior Legal Counsel with ADF commented about the case, saying:

“The First Amendment protects freedom of speech for all students, regardless of their religious beliefs. They should not have to pre-register their speech with college officials or comply with vague speech codes to exercise their constitutionally protected freedoms.”

ADF’s complaint is asking for an injunction to prevent Cameron University from enforcing their Equal Opportunity Policy along with their Expressive Activity Policy. They are also asking that the ‘letter of findings’ be removed from Harper’s file and that the university pay ‘compensatory and nominal damages’.

Hacker points out that the university allows other students to express their views on campus and that to deny Harper the same right is violation of the Oklahoma Religious Freedom Act, the First and Fourteenth Amendments. The lawsuit states:

“Cornerstone of higher education is the ability of students to participate in the ‘marketplace of ideas’ on campus.”

“That marketplace depends on free and vigorous debate between students – debate that is spontaneous, ubiquitous, and often anonymous – and is carried out through spoken word, flyers, signs, and displays.”

“Instead of encouraging free discourse and debate on campus, the university enforces a speech code and punishes students then they offer a viewpoint that someone else finds offensive or discriminatory.”

What happened to Harper at Cameron University is also happening on many other campuses around the nation. They are trampling on the constitutional rights of students, usually Christian and conservative students. They don’t want open and honest discussions as they profess, but rather they insist on stifling free speech and anything that challenges their liberal agendas.

Parents, let this be a warning to thoroughly investigate the colleges and universities that your sons and daughters are contemplating attending. Do some research to see if there have been any reports like this one about what they are and aren’t allowed to say or do. I would recommend you write to the schools and some of the professors your child might be having and ask them about issues that are important to you such as Christianity, free speech, creation versus evolution and so on. Word your questions so that they don’t know which side you are on in order to get an honest response. If they refuse to respond, then scratch them off the list and go to the next school. Statistics show that over 70% of Christian students walk away from the church and Christianity by the time they get out of college. Don’t let your child be one of them.