Oceander wrote above:
[[ and now, for better or worse, it's time to close ranks and go with what we got. Bevin lost, fair and square, so there is only one choice facing every republican in Kentucky: vote for the republican directly, or stay home and vote for the democrat indirectly. It's not a matter of telling anyone to shut up and learn their place, it's time for everyone who cares about this country to assume their rightful place and push back against the democrats. ]]
This is what you GOP-e guys have been telling us since Reagan left office.
That is, keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over (had enough yet?) again -- yet expect different results.
It ain't gonna be me any longer, no mo', no suh.
There is a third choice. It involves more pain "up front", but may be required to push the issues to the public consciousness in the only way that many citizens are able to understand.
That is, to simply withhold the vote for the RINO "business-as-usual-as-the-world-crumbles-around-us" Republicans. Let them fall.
It may bring perhaps ten to twenty years of a democratic "reign of terror", but that will be what's needed before citizens finally wake up to what they've been doing wrong.
Or maybe they won't wake up at all.
To get back to Kentucky:
Mr. McConnell may have won the primary, but the election this time around may be a different story. In an election year that favors Republican victories, his may end up becoming one of the few losses. We shall see.