Author Topic: Regime Limits What ObamaCare Will Pay Doctors  (Read 457 times)

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Regime Limits What ObamaCare Will Pay Doctors
« on: May 18, 2014, 10:17:46 am »

Regime Limits What ObamaCare Will Pay Doctors

by Whoopie • 17 May, 2014 • Economy, Politics • 1 Comment

Obama so sadSo, how’s that “free” ObamaCare working out for ya?…

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has given the go-ahead for insurers and employers to use a new cost-control strategy that puts a hard dollar limit on what health plans pay for some expensive procedures, such as knee and hip replacements.

Some experts worry that such a move would surprise patients who pick more expensive hospitals. The cost difference would leave them with big medical bills that they’d have to pay themselves.

That could undercut key financial protections in President Barack Obama’s health care law that apply not just to the new health insurance exchanges, but to most job-based coverage as well.

Read the rest:

Remember when ObamaCare was gonna provide coverage to the poor and those with existing conditions who couldn’t afford insurance before? And even those who had to pay the full premiums would save on average $2,500 a year?

ObamaCare still hasn’t even been fully implemented because Obama keeps delaying the worst aspects of it but what we’ve already seen has exposed everything the regime has said to have been a total lie.

There is no cost savings for consumers. You won’t be able to keep your existing plan or doctor. You won’t get better coverage. Existing conditions will still be penalized. Out of pocket expenses will be higher. And in the end, the 30 million who didn’t have insurance before may actually grow to 40 million or more.

But hey! Free birth control pills for every man, woman and child.