Author Topic: Former Abortion Clinic Operator: We Sexualized Kids To Keep Abortion Cash Flowing  (Read 319 times)

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Former Abortion Clinic Operator: We Sexualized Kids To Keep Abortion Cash Flowing

Posted By Contributing Author On May 16, 2014 @ 9:00 am In Depopulation and Eugenics,Editor's Choice,Education,Featured,Health,Health,Movies and Documentaries,Videos and Media | 11 Comments

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Kids encouraged to turn to abortion counselors, rather than parents.

A former abortion clinic operator in Texas says she was compensated handsomely for selling state-funded sex education programs to children, which in turn destroyed their innocence and compelled them to visit the clinics for future abortion services.

Carol Everett, who now heads the non-profit Heidi Group Foundation, a pro-life organization that helps “girls and women in unplanned pregnancies make positive, life-affirming choices,” recalled her time within the industry at a recent Rose Dinner event in Canada.

Describing the sale of abortion services as a “cash cow,” Everett recounted witnessing busy doctors visit patient after patient “often without scrubbing up again,” according to the Catholic Register. [2] Everett also pointed to state-funded sex ed programs as one of the ways the abortion industry grooms potential repeat customers.

“Children are being taught about sex and masturbation in ways that ‘shame the children’ so they will not be comfortable telling their parents what they heard, Everett said,” writes Deborah Gyapong.

The programs would then provide girls “with low dose birth control, which is ineffective if not taken at the same time each and every day, which is close to impossible for any teenager,” reports Life News [3], adding, “When the girls get pregnant, they then turn to abortion clinics..”

Additionally, Everett characterized so-called abortion counselors, who answer phones at the clinics, as essentially “telemarketers who are trained to ‘overcome objections’ and close the deal by making an appointment for an abortion,” Gyapong says.

Everett left the murderous trade in 1983 and has since turned a new leaf, but the industry’s attempts to create new customers by corrupting the minds of youngsters continues unabated. By far one of the biggest advocates and profiteers of the murder of unborn children is eugenicist Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood, whom President Obama has pledged millions of tax-payer dollars [4] to keep funded.

The American Life League produced an exemplary video report exposing Planned Parenthood’s sex education programs [5], which start at an extremely young age and actually encourage things like sexual promiscuity, homosexuality and anal sex, to name a few, in efforts to create a generation of sex addicts that will feed an endless cycle of abortions and profit.

Propping up the abortion industry is just one of the reasons kids are taught about hetero- and homosexual proclivities at a young age, as depicted in the following video disapprovingly shown to children at various schools in Wisconsin recently. While seemingly innocent enough, the fact that some children can’t comprehend what emotion they should be experiencing in response to the video clearly illustrates they are too young to tackle the subject matter.


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[1] Image:

[2] Catholic Register.:

[3] Life News:

[4] Obama has pledged millions of tax-payer dollars:

[5] video report exposing Planned Parenthood’s sex education programs:

[6] The Daily Sheeple:
