Author Topic: Democrats Making Disgusting Benghazi Jokes to Distract America  (Read 320 times)

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Democrats Making Disgusting Benghazi Jokes to Distract America

By Onan Coca   / 14 May 2014   / 309 Comments   

If you think the title of this piece is simply my attempt at pulling in readers… you’re sadly mistaken.


The Democrats have turned to making sick jokes about the Benghazi massacre in an attempt to deflect any negative attention to their role in the scandal.

It started with Democrat hero Howard Dean literally calling the idea of a Benghazi scandal a "laughable joke." But the Democrats have now gone even further.

Recently, Rep. Stacey Newman (D-MO) decided to test out her stand-up routine on Twitter… it didn’t go over so well.



Rep. Newman wasn’t the only callous Democrat making light of the Benghazi scandal. Mississippi candidate for Congress Trish Causey (D-MS) had to one-up Newman by making this disgusting Benghazi joke (though she moved pretty quickly to delete it – the internet is forever).

(Warning - this next tweet is ... off-color,  at best.)



Democrats Newman and Causey aren’t the only ones trying to make a mockery of what happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2012… the entire Democrat Party seems to be making light of what happened that night. From the President right on down – Democrat politicians have obviously decided that their grip on power is much more important than the lives of four innocent Americans. The good folks at Western Journalism have put together a video montage that should enrage every American.

See the video here.

It’s mind-blowing to see just how far the Democrat Party would sink just to maintain liberal power in Washington. Terrifying really. If they care this little about an ambassador… how much do they care about little people like you and me? Yikes.