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Maria, Maria
« on: May 15, 2014, 05:10:46 am »
Maria, Maria
By Luis Gonzalez
The Last Wire

It's a bad video.

I'm not going to be so blinded by ideology that I will fail to see just how bad is actually is.

The dubbing is bad, the production values are definitely less than what one would see in a major video for a major star, and let's face it... Miss Alonso is a woman in her mature years. The boots and the motorcycle were a questionable choice

Yet, I love this video.

Is that an incredible video or what?

Maria Conchita Alonso. Hollywood actress, songstress, commie fighter.

(The Washington Post) Actress and singer Maria Conchita Alonso stood amid hundreds of fired-up Venezuelan-Americans in front of the White House Friday afternoon, holding her rescue Chihuahua Tequila with her right hand and an American flag in her left. She raised the flag to her lips.

“They’re going to kill me, those Communists!” she said gleefully.

Born in Cuba, raised in Venezuela, now an American citizen based in Los Angeles after 30 or so years in this country, Alonso was on a grueling two-day tear through Washington to advocate for U.S. sanctions against the Venezuelan government of President Nicolas Maduro. Government forces have abused protesters demonstrating in several cities, according to human rights observers. At least 41 people have been killed since February, including nine security officers. Alonso wore a sticker with the hashtag of a bourgeoning expatriate protest movement, #SOSVenezuela.

Actress Maria Conchita Alonso (and her Chihuahua Tequila) join Venezuelan-American demonstrators outside the White House, Friday May 9, 2014.

Maria Conchita Alonso has first-hand knowledge of Communism, and unlike fellow Hollywood celebrities Danny Glover and Sean Penn, she's willing to stand up and denounce it as evil, and she doesn't care who she takes on.

(The Washington Post)Who among us hasn’t had a screaming fight about politics with an old friend? It happened to Sean Penn recently when he ran into former co-star Maria Conchita Alonso at the Los Angeles airport. The actress, who aired her account on WMAL-FM Monday, said she approached him to have a word about their foreign-policy differences: The actor has had friendly dealings over the years with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez; Alonso, who grew up there, decried his regime as oppressive and corrupt in an open letter to Penn last year. As she told it, their exchange started friendly but quickly deteriorated: He called her a “pig,” she said, and she called him “a communist [expletive],” as other travelers gawked. Penn told the New York Post that he didn't recognize Alonso as his co-star from “Colors,” the 1988 gang-war drama. “I only knew that a hostile woman was nonsensically berating me.” - December 20, 2011

Alonso's video depicts footage and still images of the violent repression of Venezuelan students demanding freedom from oppression by Nicolas Maduro's goons, there are clips of Venezuelan activists demanding the expulsion of Cuban military from the country,  Venezuelan women engaging Maduro's goons in the streets of Caracas, and never one to forget the land of her birth, Alonso includes footage of Cuba's courageous Damas en Blanco (Ladies in White).

Ladies in White (Spanish: Damas de Blanco) is an opposition movement in Cuba consisting of wives and other female relatives of jailed dissidents. The women protest the imprisonments by attending Mass each Sunday wearing white dresses and then silently walking through the streets dressed in white clothing. The color white is chosen to symbolize peace.

The movement received the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought from the European Parliament in 2005.

The Ladies in White march for Cuba's freedom. The picture on the right captures one of the many assaults carried out by government sponsored Repudiation Squads.

I love this video.

And I love Maria Conchita Alonso.

I always wondered why after starring in a movie like "Moscow on the Hudson", Maria Conchita Alonso's career didn't skyrocket. Well, perhaps is that famous Hollywood intolerance at play.

Starring in a movie celebrating the concepts of freedom, capitalism and the reality of the American Dream is (maybe) OK for Hollywood. Co-star Robin William's career wasn't affected negatively. But being in the movie AND believing in the things that the movie celebrated may have been Alonso's down fall in Hollywood cinematic circles.

Alonso wasn't shy about her politics then, and she isn't shy about them now.

She was in the news earlier this year:

(Hot Air)Now let’s turn our eyes to California, which will hold its gubernatorial election in November. Incumbent Democrat Jerry Brown already has a challenger — Tea Party conservative Assemblyman Tim Donnelly. Donnelly cut an amusing bilingual web ad with Maria Conchita Alonso, best known for her star turn in Moscow on the Hudson. Alonso provided snarky Spanish-language translations for Donnelly’s arguments, including “We’re screwed.”

Cutting an ad for a Tea Party candidate, however much tolerance that exchange displayed, was a bridge too far in San Francisco. Alonso had been cast in a production of The Vagina Monologues, which Alonso would have performed in Spanish. When her producer discovered her support for Donnelly, Alonso lost her job. “We really cannot have her in the show, unfortunately,” producer Eliana Lopez told a local TV station. “Doing what she is doing is against what we believe.” She’s out of work because she endorsed a Republican.

Way to go Maria.

"Hear My Echo" is a video condemning the brutality of extreme leftist politics, performed by a Cuban-born, Venezuelan-raised, former Miss World Venezuela, fiercely American woman.

How often does that happen in this world?

I bet you that Sean Penn was scared of Maria Conchita Alonso at that airport, and well he should have. I have no doubt that she could take him.

To paraphrase the ever-so-colorful James Carville, if Maria Conchita Alonso ever ripped one of her balls off and handed it to Sean Penn, they would then each have two.

And that’s the last wire for Wednesday, May 14th 2014.

What was news before this moment, is now history.

Good night.
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx