I don't care how many times the media saturates the airwaves with shots of gays kissing, I am never going to feel all warm and fuzzy inside and happy for their joy in the way I would with an opposite sex couple. But I must admit the yuck factor is going away, so maybe some of the MSM objectives are being achieved.
It still abhors me, as well it should. But alas, perhaps my sense of what is supposed to be normal is so much stronger than everyone else's around me. We have a generation that has seen so much anti-normative pressure that they don't understand the concept anymore.
I mean, there are certain things in life where it's certainly OK to be "abnormal." Fashion, for instance. Yet, there also is a place where the desire to find a decent member of the opposite sex, settle down and have a family should be encouraged and accommodated. Instead, we now have "boyfriend-free" women, dogs acting as substitutes for children, and rapidly declining birth rates. (Not to mention wholescale acceptance of homosexuality.) It breaks my heart, both on a personal (I'm just getting over my attempts to win such a "boyfriend-free" woman over) and greater level. They just don't understand.