Author Topic: Pa. AG makes Holder proud for refusing to prosecute corrupt black lawmakers  (Read 313 times)

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PA AG Makes Holder Proud by Refusing to Prosecute Corrupt Black Lawmakers

Posted 4 hours ago by Dave Jolly Filed under Corruption, Gun Control, Liberal Bullying, Politics, Racism

US Attorney General Eric Holder is one of the most racist men in America. Perhaps I should say that he uses racist claims and causes to protect friends and promote Obama’s liberal and socialist agenda.

To start with, he ordered the voter intimidation case against two members of the New Black Panthers to be dismissed. They were caught on video harassing voters in Philadelphia during the 2008 presidential election. I suspect the order actually came from the White House since Obama marched with them just a couple years prior to his run for the Oval Office. Holder and Obama’s New Black Panthers buddies placed a bounty on George Zimmerman and Holder did nothing about it except condemn Zimmerman.

Then we have all of the incidents where Holder hollers racial discrimination to prevent states from enacting laws to prevent voter fraud. Holder also refused to prosecute member of the Obama Cabinet who violated federal law by actively endorsing candidates while acting in their official positions.

There’s no doubt that the list of Holder’s racist actions could fill a book, but I want to talk about Pennsylvania’s Attorney General, Kathleen Kane and how she is making Holder proud of her by following in his footsteps.

Prior to Kane taking office, the PA Attorney General’s office launched a sting campaign to weed out corrupt state politicians. They used a lobbyist, Tyron B. Ali who had been arrested on fraud charges to approach a number of state lawmakers and offer them gifts and cash for their votes on certain issues. Ali wore a wire and all of the conversations were recorded.

Of all of the politicians approached in the sting, only four accepted the bribes for their votes. All four are black Democrats. According to

“Four state lawmakers took money, the sources said. State Rep. Ronald G. Waters accepted multiple payments totaling $7,650; State Rep. Vanessa Brown took $4,000; State Rep. Michelle Brownlee received $3,500; and State Rep. Louise Bishop took $1,500, said people with knowledge of the investigation.”

When Kane was elected, she ended the sting operation much to the consternation of the leading prosecutor running the sting, Frank Fina. With the case on her desk, Kane, a white Democrat says that she will not prosecute the four lawmakers because she feels the sting operation was racially tainted.

Kane is ignoring the fact that the lead law enforcement officer who ran the sting is a black and that whites, blacks, Republicans and Democrats were all targeted. None of the black Democrats were targeted any differently than white Republicans or others, but Kane wants to emulate her hero in the US Attorney General’s office and refuse to prosecute the only ones caught taking bribes and she’s using Holder’s tactic of hollering race to support her refusal.

One of the politicians caught in the sting was given a tiffany bracelet worth $2,000. When questioned, she claimed to have returned it, but said the bracelet was in her safety deposit box at the bank.

Horace Cooper, Co-Chairman of the black leadership network Project 21 condemns Kane’s refusal to prosecute the black Democratic politicians. He also pointed out that her refusal has led the Republican controlled state legislature to launch an investigation into Kane and her refusal.

Cooper commented:

"She's going to have to answer questions and it may lead to an impeachment. But she's definitely going to have to respond."

Cooper compared Kane’s refusal to prosecute to Holder, saying:

"One of the first things that he did when he got to office was to dismiss the Black Panther case in Pennsylvania. And that was a case when they were caught on video tape breaking the law."

A month ago, Holder told all state Attorney Generals that they did not have to enforce any laws that they did not agree with. Kane apparently took his instructions to heart and like Holder, is picking what laws to enforce and who to not prosecute based upon personal political affiliations rather than enforcing the law. Hopefully, Kane will be impeached and removed from office. If only that would also be the case for Holder.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 12:52:58 pm by rangerrebew »