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Don't Call me Middle Class if you want my vote in anymore elections

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I consider myself middle class, as did my parents. I take no offense at the use of the term.

Why take offense with words, instead of deeds and votes?

I wound up a lawyer, so I guess that would make me, by the rules, middle class. But my Pop was a bus mechanic, and my Mom was a dressmaker. It's the values, not the 1040, that makes you what you are. I'm blue collar to the bone.

God bless the people that responded or read my post!! God bless all the parents who did without so we could have something in our lives. I had World War II parents. My father was in the Pacific.  After the war my mother drove a school bus, Daddy was in heat and air and later on was a professor at a trade school.  They were southern, but, republicans and my father was offended by that term too.
My parents fought their way out of poverty to give us a better life. They had nothing coming through the depression. He railed against the  class system myth. He said you can't be part of something that doesn't exist. American opportunity allows you to move up and down the financial and social ladder. No matter where you were born on the social ladder, you aren't destined to remain there if you don't want to.
This is only my opinion that results from my up bringing, my own education and an opportunity to see how the rest of the world operates first hand. 
If you are not concerned with someone referring to you as "Middle Class", then I'm not out to change your mind. Maybe someday you may agree  that that term has taken a turn in this political climate.  But, you will be the judge. Many thanks!!

Welcome to The Briefing Room Cinderella!   0005a


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