Author Topic: Troy University harassment policy: Liberalism gone berserk  (Read 508 times)

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Troy University harassment policy: Liberalism gone berserk
« on: April 28, 2014, 09:38:58 pm »
Policy On Harassment and Discrimination
Harassment or discrimination by anyone, whether in the classroom, the office, at a University
sponsored function, or within any university environment, will not be tolerated. Individuals found to
participate in harassment or discrimination will be subject to disciplinary procedures up to and including
Individuals Covered Under the Policy
Troy University’s comprehensive harassment and discrimination policy covers all employees, students,
applicants, vendors/contractors, visitors, and all others conducting official business with the
I. Definition of Harassment
For purposes of Troy University’s policy, harassment is any comments or conduct consisting of
words or actions that are unwelcome or offensive to a person in relation to sex, race, age, religion,
national origin, color, marital status, pregnancy, disability or veteran’s status. This is inclusive
of comments or conduct by a person in a position of authority that is intimidating, threatening
or abusive. Harassment can also occur between people of similar authority. Harassment occurs
when it is known or ought reasonably to be known that such comments or conduct would be
Examples of harassment include gestures, remarks, jokes, taunting, innuendo, display of offensive
materials, threats, imposition of academic penalties, hazing, stalking, shunning or exclusion
related to the discriminatory or harassing grounds. The victim should directly inform the
harasser that the conduct is unwelcome and must stop. The victim should report any complaint
as dictated by policy.
NOTE: In any case of harassment, the harasser can be the victim’s supervisor, an agent of the
employer, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or a non-employee to include students.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment as defined by this policy includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for
sexual favors, and any other verbal, graphic, or physical conduct. If these events are of sexual
nature it constitutes sexual harassment when submission to, or rejection of this conduct explicitly
or implicitly, affects an individual’s employment or educational experience, unreasonably
interferes with an individual’s work performance or academic performance, or creates an intimidating,
hostile, or offensive work or educational environment.
Sexual harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances, including but not limited to the following:
1. Demanding sexual favors in exchange for favorable evaluations, assignments, promotions,
continued employment, grades, letters of recommendation, or similar promises.
2. Subtle pressure for sexual activity.
3. Continued or repeated sexual jokes, kidding, teasing, epithets, flirtation, advances, or propositions.
4. Derogatory or demeaning comments about gender, whether sexual or not.
5. Harassment consistently targeted at only one sex, even if the content of the verbal abuse is
not sexual.
6. Verbal abuse of a sexual nature.
Troy University
7. Graphic verbal commentary about an individual’s body, clothing, sexual process, or sexual
8. Sexually degrading or vulgar words to describe an individual.
9. Leering, whistling, touching, pinching, brushing the body, assault, coerced sexual acts, or
suggestive, insulting, or obscene comments or gestures.
10. The display in the workplace or an academic environment of sexually suggestive objects,
pictures, posters or cartoons.
11. Introduction or utilization of inappropriate sexual material in an academic setting.
12. Name calling, relating stories, gossip, comments, or jokes that may be derogatory toward a
particular sex.
13. The display of sexually suggestive graffiti.
14. Asking questions about sexual conduct or sexual orientation or performances.
15. Offensive, repeated requests for dates, even if made after work.
16. Continued advances of a sexual nature which are rejected, even after the parties break off
a consensual relationship.
II. Definition of Discrimination
For the purposes of Troy University’s policy, discrimination is defined as any action resulting in
illegal differentiation or adverse treatment of an individual
« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 09:40:41 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: Troy University harassment policy: Liberalism gone berserk
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2014, 02:36:30 am »
There is a wonderful opening there that some enterprising soul could drive a tractor-trailer through:  the highlighted language doesn't specify to whom the words should be unwelcome or offensive, nor how those words must relate to, e.g., race - that is, it isn't limited to derogatory words about blacks said to a black, or about hispanics said to an hispanic.

That actually looks like fertile grounds for whites and conservatives to take it to the libs/progs.  Calling someone a racist without clear justification is unwelcome and offensive to that someone and is offensive in relation to race.  Same thing for insulting someone for being against illegal immigration - that's in relation to national origin.

Calling someone a racist, or a xenophobe, or even a hater - e.g., claiming that someone who disagrees with gay "marriage" is a hater - are all made in relation to, respectively, race, national origin, and sex (sexual orientation) and since the target of those words will find them unwelcome or offensive, they constitute harassment under this code and every white, conservative/republican student on that campus should be filing a complaint for harassment every single time some lib/prog on campus goes off on how "whites are racist" or "conservatives are haters".

Why?  Why not?  And to flood the system with so many complaints that it grinds to a standstill - even though most of the complaints would be dismissed off the bat because the university employees evaluating them will almost certainly be libs/progs - and the inanity of the code becomes clear.

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Re: Troy University harassment policy: Liberalism gone berserk
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2014, 03:11:34 am »
There is a wonderful opening there that some enterprising soul could drive a tractor-trailer through:  the highlighted language doesn't specify to whom the words should be unwelcome or offensive, nor how those words must relate to, e.g., race - that is, it isn't limited to derogatory words about blacks said to a black, or about hispanics said to an hispanic.

That actually looks like fertile grounds for whites and conservatives to take it to the libs/progs.  Calling someone a racist without clear justification is unwelcome and offensive to that someone and is offensive in relation to race.  Same thing for insulting someone for being against illegal immigration - that's in relation to national origin.

Calling someone a racist, or a xenophobe, or even a hater - e.g., claiming that someone who disagrees with gay "marriage" is a hater - are all made in relation to, respectively, race, national origin, and sex (sexual orientation) and since the target of those words will find them unwelcome or offensive, they constitute harassment under this code and every white, conservative/republican student on that campus should be filing a complaint for harassment every single time some lib/prog on campus goes off on how "whites are racist" or "conservatives are haters".

Why?  Why not?  And to flood the system with so many complaints that it grinds to a standstill - even though most of the complaints would be dismissed off the bat because the university employees evaluating them will almost certainly be libs/progs - and the inanity of the code becomes clear.

I have several observations.

I am wondering how anyone can possibly get to #16 without first violating at least one of #'s 1-15.

On our campus we have a policy whereby an e-mail is sent to the entire campus whenever there is a rape complaint.  Over the years I have noticed that virtually every complaint filed is from an "assailant known to the victim" and invariably the complaint is withdrawn within a day or two.  What that means, I don't know.

We also have an active, sex-obsessed LBGT group on campus that publishes something called the "Potty Paper," a poster-sized newsletter that is posted in every restroom on campus.  Much of the material in that esteemed, appropriately-named publication might qualify for action under the scenario you describe.

In spite of the fact that the country is degenerating, you must admit these are interesting times we live in.   


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Re: Troy University harassment policy: Liberalism gone berserk
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2014, 11:08:48 am »
I don't think the university goes far enough.  I think the policy should include "offensive" comments about feet, hands, noses, chins, height, hair color, facial hair, hair in the ears, hair length, any comment about officially approved university liberal speakers, city where a person was born, where they live, what kind of car they drive, what their favorite color is, university food, university safety, and last but not least, offensive farts. :whistle: