Author Topic: NYC won't name street after cop to avoid offending muslims  (Read 260 times)

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NYC won't name street after cop to avoid offending muslims
« on: April 22, 2014, 10:03:09 am »
New York Won’t Name Street After Cop to Avoid Offending Muslims

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 21, 2014 @ 12:15 pm In The Point | No Comments

I can’t think of any clearer signal that Bill Bratton has abandoned police work to be Bill de Blasio’s puppet. Right down to picking Muslims over cops.


A plan to honor a Harlem cop killed by Nation of Islam radicals is drowning under a flood of racial tensions created more than four decades ago, but no one wants to throw it a lifeline — not even the NYPD’s new top cop.

Police Commissioner Bill Bratton is distancing himself from the controversial push to get the street in front of the 28th Precinct renamed in honor of Officer Phillip Cardillo, who was shot and killed inside a mosque run by Louis Farrakhan in 1972 — noting that the community should make the final decision.

“The Police Commissioner always welcomes the honoring and memorializing of fallen NYPD officers,” Deputy Commissioner Stephen Davis, the NYPD’s top spokesman, said when asked if Bratton favored the street renaming. “However, the issue of street naming is primarily a decision for the community board and other local leaders.”

Cardillo’s family, friends, and former police officers marked the 42nd anniversary of the cop’s death with an annual motorcycle ride from his grave at Calvary Cemetery in Queens to the W. 123rd St. cop shop — and were not shy about lashing out against how Bratton sidestepped the issue.

I don’t think it’s a good representation of his brotherhood of blue,” said Christopher Cardillo, 46, the fallen cop’s first cousin. “Why should the community’s vote have such a strong presence when we are talking about renaming a street outside a police station for a police officer? How could that be a bad thing for the community?”

Manhattan’s Community Board 10 hasn’t reviewed the proposal since last May, even though advocates pushing for the renaming handed over thousands of petition signatures and Inspector Rodney Harrison, the former commanding officer of the 28th Precinct, made a personal plea to honor Cardillo.

Before the issue was shelved, board members voiced concerns that the street renaming would displease local Muslims and “open old wounds.

And we mustn’t offend Muslims. Or they might shoot a cop.


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