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Obama praises muslims in Easter message
« on: April 21, 2014, 10:21:12 am »
Obama Praises Muslims in Easter Message

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 20, 2014 @ 11:29 am In The Point | No Comments

It just wouldn’t be Easter… without Muslims.

Obama said this time of year is a good time to remember the “common thread of humanity that connects us all – not just Christians and Jews, but Muslims and Hindus and Sikhs – is our shared commitment to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.”

Nope. Sorry.

Here’s what the Koran has to say about loving your neighbor.

Qur’an (5:51) – “O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.”

So yes, Muslims believe in loving their neighbors, as long as the neighbors are Muslims. And the right kind of Muslims.

Don’t go expecting Sunni Muslims to love Shiite Muslims or vice versa. Also don’t expect Salafis to love Sunnis who are insufficiently lacking in dedication to terrorism.

So much for that “common thread of humanity.”


Article printed from FrontPage Magazine:

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Re: Obama praises muslims in Easter message
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2014, 11:55:01 am »
The annual tradition of attending a black church and making a nonsensical comment about anything other than the true meaning of the day.
Obama, family cause a small stir at Easter service
By  Associated Press,   Published: April 20 

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama may have expected a quiet Easter, but his presence rallied a congregation eager to greet him and his family to the front of the church.

Obama, wife Michelle and their daughters sat in the second row at Nineteenth Street Baptist Church, nearly two miles north of the White House.

They received a standing ovation during the welcome, with dozens of worshippers gathering around to shake the Obamas’ hands and take pictures.

The senior pastor, Rev. Dr. Derrick Harkins, joked that he didn’t realize so many people were sitting in the front section. The pastor repeated “Amen” in a call for people to return to their seats.

The service included a sermon titled “Resurrection Realities” and a praise dance and trumpet-led hymn.
Who writes this stuff for him?
Obama uses weekly address to send Easter, Passover wishes
Posted by CNN's Conor Finnegan   

Washington (CNN) - Politics were put aside Saturday as President Barack Obama wished the American people a Happy Easter in his weekly address.

In remarks to people of all faiths, “believer or nonbeliever,” the President noted the special time of year, for Christians and Jews especially, and called on all to “love and serve one another, particularly ‘the least of these’ among us.”

“This Sunday, Michelle, Malia, Sasha, and I will join our fellow Christians around the world in celebrating the Resurrection of Christ, the salvation he offered the world, and the hope that comes with the Easter season. These holy days have their roots in miracles that took place long ago. And yet, they still inspire us, guide us, and strengthen us today,” he said.

The President celebrated Passover earlier this week with the fifth Seder at the White House Tuesday. Obama is the first president to host a Seder dinner while in office.

“In America, the Passover story has always had special meaning. We come from different places and diverse backgrounds, but we are bound together by a journey from bondage to liberty enshrined in our founding documents and continued in each generation,” he said Tuesday.

Obama also made an appeal to people of other faiths in his Saturday address, calling to mind one idea at the heart of the world’s major religions.

The common thread of humanity that connects us all – not just Christians and Jews, but Muslims and Hindus and Sikhs – is our shared commitment to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. [Yeah, that sounds like Muslims]  To remember, I am my brother’s keeper. I am my sister’s keeper. Whatever your faith, believer or nonbeliever, there’s no better time to rededicate ourselves to that universal mission,” he said.

The weekly address is usually a time when the President speaks directly to the American people about an issue of particular importance or prominent in the national conversation in that moment. Many of Obama’s have been about raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour or enacting stricter regulation of firearms, for example.

He is likely to take up such issues once again next week as he travels in East Asia on a long-scheduled trip. But for this week, the President got a bit more personal.

“For me, Easter is a story of hope – a belief in a better day to come, just around the bend. So to all Christians who are celebrating, from my family to yours, Happy Easter. And to every American, have a joyful weekend,” he said.
What a mishmash of "I'd like to teach the world to sing," new-age feel-good blather and hucksterism.
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