Author Topic: BLM declares Texas is Oklahoma land  (Read 380 times)

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BLM declares Texas is Oklahoma land
« on: April 16, 2014, 12:30:30 am »
 by Craig Masters

While the world watched, these cowboys sat ready to defend their way of life against more than 200 heavily armed federal agents and snipers hiding in the hills. The agents were sent by Harry Reid’s former senior advisor, 35 year old Neil Kornze, to confiscate open range cattle from the last rancher in Clark County, Nevada

In the  days since Dave Bundy was attacked on a public state highway and arrested for interfering with federal officials (for filming them in action), the details for the reasons behind the “land grab” have become obfuscated by the propaganda machine of the federal government.  Pictures of the BLM agents’ violent actions against the Bundy family members and others began to circulate in the alternative media. Protesters were told to remain behind fences labeled “First Amendment Area” as milita men mobilized from around the country to come to “protect the citizens” from a potential slaughter of Americans that would have surely led to massive armed expansion against the tyranny of the Obama/Reid administration.

Gradually, the real back story has emerged. The original bullhocky story about the cattle endangering desert tortoises fell apart when the truth was discovered that only recently the BLM had gerrymandered the boundaries of endangered habitat and created a mitigation area needed to replace habitat where Harry Reid’s son and a Chinese energy company planned to build a 5 billion dollar solar energy project. The federal subsidies for that project have yet been fully discovered. The BLM web site has been scrubbed of details except for some limited images that got reproduced by Free Republic and now abound on the internet.

However, it takes more than a few days to develop a plan for a 5 billion dollar solar farm covering more than 5000 acres. It is now known that in order for “Non-Governmental Organizations” (the Chinese) to move forward with development of the “Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone” that project will destroy desert habitat in the Zone. Therefore an “offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development” area needed to be established. Those exact words remain available on the reproduced sections of the BLM web pages.What that means is, the developers needed to replace one habit with another. Such a new site would need to be far enough away from the toxic solar energy farm to attract the occasional migrating southwestern willow flycatcher ( a bird more commonly found in southern California and Arizona ). Do flycathers eat flies? Yes. Do cow patties attract flies? Usually.

But ignoring all the developments since 1993, a critical issue still remains. The United States government – we the people – gave 1870′s settlers a promise of an open range for cattle if they would homestead and ranch on the land recently annexed from Mexico. The Bundy family answered that call and have honored their part of the contract ever since. In 1993 the Clinton administration unilaterally decided to completely rewrite the original promise conditions and, like so many treaties the U.S. has signed with so many, we simply threw the original promises in the trash and told the Bundy family to take it or leave it! In this case one and only one rancher, Bundy, told the government he was holding the government to its word. What we have seen then since 1993 is that the word of our government isn’t worth a damn. It seems those 1870′s settlers were told, “If you like your ranch you can keep it.”

Why does the government feel it has the unilateral right to change the contract so completely that no other rancher has been able to continue to make a living? Is the corrupt and borderline criminal, politically powerful Harry Reid, once again pulling another fast and furious land deal? Are the citizens of Nevada placing the interest of Chinese investors and the Reid family higher than the honor of the United States word to the settlers that opened the Nevada territory some one hundred and fifty years ago?

Today, the alternative media has begun to cover another BLM land grab. In Texas, rancher Tommy Henderson is being told the government is confiscating his 90,000 acre ranch along the Red River. Henderson is also told that once the BLM takes his ranch for public land, he might be able to arrange a grazing contract; you know, like Cliven Bundy and his neighbors used to have in Nevada.

Henderson has a clear deed to his land in the state of Texas. He has no back taxes or fines or other issues pending. So how is the BLM taking his family ranch? The BLM has decided to declare that his land is now in Oklahoma and therefore his Texas deed became invalid when the Red River moved its banks south.

If one more federal agent takes one more legal gun from one more American, the rest of us need to put a stop to it – before none of us can!

Offline SouthTexas

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Re: BLM declares Texas is Oklahoma land
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2014, 03:11:03 am »
Wonder what the excuses for the BLM's behavior will be this time?