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Muslim Brotherhood moves headquarters from London to Austria after Cameron announces terror investigation


Muslim Brotherhood moves headquarters from London to Austria after Cameron announces terror investigation

 Robert Spencer       Apr 13, 2014 at 7:16am   

cameron_morsi_460The Brotherhood needn’t have bothered. Cameron is extraordinarily unlikely to initiate any kind of serious investigation. His government is in full appeasement mode, cowering in terror before Leftist and Islamic supremacist groups that are demanding its complete submission — which he appears eager to give them, as he makes London into what he has said he wants it to be, a world capital of Sharia finance.

“Muslim Brotherhood moves headquarters from London to Austria after Cameron announces terror investigation,” from the Daily Mail, April 12 (thanks to Milad):

Controversial Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood is moving its headquarters from London to Austria in an apparent attempt to avoid an inquiry into its activities set up by the Prime Minister.

The alleged terrorist outfit was expelled from Egypt following last year’s coup there.

It recently opened a new international office above a disused kebab shop in Cricklewood, northwest London.

But this weekend, sources said it had decided to transfer its base to Graz, Austria’s second city, after David Cameron announced a joint MI5 and MI6 investigation into its membership.

The group is regarded as a terrorist organisation by Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Last month, Mr Cameron said that it was important to establish what the group’s beliefs were in terms of ‘extremism and violent extremism’.


--- Quote from: Loki on April 13, 2014, 06:22:33 pm ---That's a little telling, isn't it?

--- End quote ---

Rats always try to get off a sinking ship.

I thought their HQ was in Huma Abedin's office.  :thud:


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