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Kerry warns Russia of 'consequences’

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April 12, 2014, 09:55 pm
Kerry warns Russia of 'consequences’

By Rachel Huggins

Secretary of State John Kerry warned Russia on Saturday that Moscow faces "additional consequences" if it doesn't take steps to de-escalate violence in eastern Ukraine and pull back troops from its border.

During a phone call with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Kerry expressed strong concern that attacks by armed militants in eastern Ukraine have been orchestrated and synchronized, similar to previous attacks in eastern Ukraine and Crimea, according to a White House read out of the call.

On Saturday, troops wearing the same uniform as Russian forces that invaded Crimea in February, occupied police headquarters in the eastern Ukraine city of Kramatorsk, the Associated Press reported.


--- Quote from: Loki on April 13, 2014, 02:25:21 pm ---There is a little chipmunk that "warns" me about his territory every morning when I leave the house.  I probably give him more consideration than Putin gives Kerry or Obama.

--- End quote ---

 Garry Kasparov       

If you're keeping track of the Concern-o-Meter, Kerry was "beyond deeply disturbed" yesterday. Putin must be shaking.

The Russians must really, really care since they don't seem to have tweeted out anything about this latest "assault" by the Obama kops.

Obama,Kerry and the EU will do nothing. They will watch at a distance as the Russian Army steamrolls over the Ukraine. Obama,Kerry and the EU are a bunch of Paper tigers. NATO can't do anything because its barely on life support after years in Afghanistan.

As I commented to a friend yesterday, Kerry would be out of his depth in a bucket. He's one of the few where the abbreviation of his position, SoS, is entirely appropriate.


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