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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2014, 10:54:38 pm »
They're going to give Obama the excuse he's been looking for to declare martial law.
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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2014, 11:16:39 pm »
They're going to give Obama the excuse he's been looking for to declare martial law.

No sadly there are far too many that support the government's position "it's theirs to do what they want".   Protect the turtles, the lizards, the freakin snail hell with we the people.


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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2014, 11:21:58 pm »
They're going to give Obama the excuse he's been looking for to declare martial law.

Oh for God's sake!!!

Most ranchers who graze their cattle on federal land pay fees for the privilege of doing so.  Bundy wants to graze his cattle for free.

Instead of trying to work this out, he'd rather provoke a confrontation.  He's going to lose all his cattle and have to pay the fees anyway.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2014, 11:32:05 pm »
Oh for God's sake!!!

Most ranchers who graze their cattle on federal land pay fees for the privilege of doing so.  Bundy wants to graze his cattle for free.

Instead of trying to work this out, he'd rather provoke a confrontation.  He's going to lose all his cattle and have to pay the fees anyway.

The Western War: Last Remaining Rancher Vs The Federal Gov’t - See more at:

Cliven Bundy is a 60-some-odd year-old rancher, the last remaining rancher in a southern Nevada county battling the Bureau of Land Management over his grazing rights. They’ve sent snipers, hundreds of heavily-armed agents, helicopters, and have closed roads and set up a heavily-mocked “First Amendment area.” They’ve taken 300 of his 900 head of cattle and reportedly killed a number of them. BLM claimed that it was to protect a desert tortoise that they are killing anyway. He told me in an interview today that he’s “paid for and inherited these rights” and explained that since the BLM’s recent arrival in the late 90s, they’ve tried to revoke a deal he and his family have had with the state of Nevada. You can listen to the full interview below.

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2014, 11:33:12 pm »
Bundy was there long before the damn turtles. The Feds stole the land, and he's fighting back. Good for him.

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2014, 11:43:33 pm »
They’ve taken 300 of his 900 head of cattle and reportedly killed a number of them.

Seems they have a habit of this, last time it was the children.

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2014, 11:56:10 pm »
Why not just fine him if he's violating a law? Why kill the cattle? Why turn this into another Waco?

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2014, 11:59:18 pm »
Why not just fine him if he's violating a law? Why kill the cattle? Why turn this into another Waco?

And that's what they are risking here.  No telling how heavily armed BLM is, or how heavy their reinforcements would be if called upon.  Look at the proliferation of SWAT teams in local Sheriff's offices across the Country, and imagine what "the Feds" have access too.  For starters, most Sheriffs can't call in helicopter gunships.....

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2014, 12:38:10 am »
From this article:
The Bundy Ranch has been in the family for 120 years..  Back in 1993, the government regulators placed a number of new restrictions on where the ranchers could graze their cattle to protect a turtle..  According to Cliven Bundy the change violated a number of laws and contractual agreements.  Bundy lost in court but is refusing to give up the family ranch. It looks like he has the support of his neighbors

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2014, 12:41:39 am »
Also from a post on FB:
Here is the story of Cliven Bundy, the rancher in Nevada that the Federal Government is trying to take his land. There is more that they are doing to this man and the people who are standing with him. Our Government is out of Control.
 Mr. Bundy’s daughter Shiree Bundy Cox in a letter explains the feud from the family’s perspective:“I have had people ask me to explain my dad’s stance on this BLM fight. Here it is in as simple of terms as I can explain it. There is so much to it, but here it s in a nut shell. My great grandpa bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887 around there. Then he sold them to my grandpa who then turned them over to my dad in 1972. These men bought and paid for their rights to the range and also built waters, fences and roads to assure the survival of their cattle, all with their own money, not with tax dollars. The rights to the land use are called preemptive rights. Some where down the line, to keep the cows from over grazing, came the Bureau of Land Management. They were supposed to assist the ranchers in the management of their ranges while the ranchers paid a yearly allotment which was to be use to pay the BLM wages and to help with repairs and improvements of the ranches. My dad did pay his grazing fees for years to the BLM until they were no longer using his fees to help him and to improve. Instead they began using these monies against the ranchers. They bought all the rest of the ranchers in the area out with they’re own grazing fees. When they offered to buy my dad out for a penance he said no thanks and then fired them because they weren’t doing their job. He quit paying the BLM and tried giving his grazing fees to the county, which they turned down. So my dad just went on running his ranch and making his own improvements with his own equipment and his own money, not taxes. In essence the BLM was managing my dad out of business. Well when buying him out didn’t work, they used the endangered species card. You’ve already heard about the desert tortoise. Well that didn’t work either, so then began the threats and the court orders, which my dad has proven to be unlawful for all these years. Now they’re desperate. It’s come down to buying the brand inspector off and threatening the County Sheriff. Everything their doing at this point is illegal and totally against the Constitution of the United States of America. Then there’s the issue of the cattle that are at this moment being stolen. See even if dad hasn’t paid them, those cattle belong to him, regardless of where they are they are my father’s property. His herd has been part of that range for over a hundred years, long before the BLM even existed. Now the Feds think they can just come in and remove them and sell them without a legal brand inspection or without my dad’s signature on it. They think they can take them over two borders, which is illegal, ask any trucker. Then they plan to take them to the Richfield Auction and sell them. All this with our tax money. They have paid off the contract cowboys and the auction owner as well as the Nevada brand inspector with our tax dollars. See how slick they are? Well, this is it in a nut shell.

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2014, 01:13:34 am »
OUTRAGEOUS: Ranch Protesters Tasered By Federal Agents

Article at link:

Look at 1:24 into the video.  The cop knees the dog toward a girl. 

Our country is gone.

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2014, 01:20:37 am »
Look at 1:24 into the video.  The cop knees the dog toward a girl. 

Our country is gone.

Thanks! I didn't catch that. I noticed the other girl came up and gave him a round of hell, and told him to get that dog out of there.

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2014, 04:34:52 pm »
We are not going to agree about this!  :laugh:

To give a perspective - no one here owns land. Almost no one, at least, there are a few families that have grants from the Crown. The family moves or dies out, so does the grant. Yet I am entitled, as a land "owner", to enjoy my property from 3 meters down to 50 meters up. I may also use the common land for grazing sheep, walking or just messing around, with no fee or penalty to be paid. That is part of my title and may not be removed without a specific act of Parliament.

It could be argued that Federal lands are the equivalent of common lands. Owned and to be freely available to all.
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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2014, 05:10:14 pm »
I'm afraid that she has misstated the facts.  Her great grandfather did nothing more than rent the land

That's what they told the Indians too.

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2014, 05:14:18 pm »
I'm afraid that she has misstated the facts.  Her great grandfather did nothing more than rent the land for the purpose of grazing cattle.  The "preemptive rights" she refers to seem to be the grazing preference given to people who already hold grazing permits which entitles them to special consideration over applicants for grazing permits who haven't acquired a preference.  As I read it, this sounds basically like a right of first refusal that prevents someone from leasing grazing rights out from underneath the person currently using them.

Those grazing permits were transferred down, ultimately to her father.  In 1993 the grazing rights were up for renewal.  For whatever reason he chose not to renew or to continue paying rent for the land he was using.

In other words, stripped of the terms of art used for agricultural grazing issues, his grandfather rented the land solely for the purpose of grazing cattle and the lease for that land was eventually transferred to him, Cliven Bundy.  In other words, his grandfather's original lease was assigned to him, something that happens all the time with regular commercial leases.  In 1993 he broke the terms of the lease when he stopped paying the rent, which is what the grazing fees are.  Ever since then, for the last twenty years, he's been trespassing on that property in violation of the owner's rights.

The mere fact that his grandfather paid money to lease the grazing rights doesn't make the land his just as my paying rent doesn't make me owner of the house I'm renting.  That he and his family invested money in building fences and such doesn't change things at all.  When a renter builds stuff on the land he's renting, that stuff becomes the property of the landowner; it definitely doesn't make the renter the owner of the land.

I'm sorry but Mr. Bundy is a scofflaw of the first order and is no better than an illegal alien who initially entered legally on a temporary visa and then stayed here after the visa expired.
People lease land to drill for oil, gas, produce coal and minerals. People lease land to erect commercial and residential buildings (usally very long term).

And in this case the rancher essentially leases grazing right from the fedgov for the land where he runs his herds.

He never did own the land, notwithstanding the longevity of his usage.

Many will feel it is heavyhanded for the fedgov to be able to unilaterally insert new conditions into said leasing/fee contract. But behind that is likely legislation, by duly elected representatives of "we the people."

If you as citizen/voter prefer the rancher to have status above the tortoises, you need to convince your fellow voters.

His failure to pay his fees, places him in a weaker position. He has lost continuously in courts.

Like the outcome or not, this is the rule of law in action. We haven't had new offshore drilling in California for decades. I don't like the result, but I have not forced an armed confrontation with government authorities to make the point.

Militia coming to Nevada with arms puts the political right in a weak position, but most of those types are just itching for a chance to show off their bravado, a few in person, and more from the safety of their keyboards.

And the case supporting this rancher is weak at best.
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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2014, 05:27:31 pm »
One of the big confusions here is the claim and misuse of term 'rent'. These old grazing grants are not renting in the general sense. These were contracts with the rancher and State which basically gave the rancher 'use ownership' while the State owns the land. A lot of times, in order to make it the same as ownership, the rights were contracted for 999 years.  Tens if not hundreds of millions of acres around this country are held by ranchers this way, it is one of the foundations of the large ranching system.

When the contracts were handed from the State to the Federal Government, one of the caviats were that these existing contracts would be honored.

This is the crux of the issue, the BLM has come in and claimed right to both land ownership and breaking the contract on usage ownership.

Here is the scary part. Millions of these acres were legally used by ranch owners to sell usage rights to developers and in some areas, subdivisions have grown up on this land. If this trend continues, there will be nothing stopping the BLM from coming in and taking property from millions of homeowners around the country.

I wouldn't be surprised if you dig into the deed history of many people on this site, you'll find that your homes fall under this. Your land and home are simply transfers of usage rights, not true landowner rights.

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2014, 05:34:38 pm »
One of the big confusions here is the claim and misuse of term 'rent'. These old grazing grants are not renting in the general sense. These were contracts with the rancher and State which basically gave the rancher 'use ownership' while the State owns the land. A lot of times, in order to make it the same as ownership, the rights were contracted for 999 years.  Tens if not hundreds of millions of acres around this country are held by ranchers this way, it is one of the foundations of the large ranching system.

When the contracts were handed from the State to the Federal Government, one of the caviats were that these existing contracts would be honored.

This is the crux of the issue, the BLM has come in and claimed right to both land ownership and breaking the contract on usage ownership.

Here is the scary part. Millions of these acres were legally used by ranch owners to sell usage rights to developers and in some areas, subdivisions have grown up on this land. If this trend continues, there will be nothing stopping the BLM from coming in and taking property from millions of homeowners around the country.

I wouldn't be surprised if you dig into the deed history of many people on this site, you'll find that your homes fall under this. Your land and home are simply transfers of usage rights, not true landowner rights.

This is all about revenge toward the White Man. 

I was thinking title insurance would protect the homeowner, but only financially...should the highest Court agree with the government.
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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2014, 05:39:52 pm »
This is all about revenge toward the White Man. 

I was thinking title insurance would protect the homeowner, but only financially...should the highest Court agree with the government.

The funny part is millions of these acres are use-owned by Hispanic ranchers in the Southwest through grants given by the Spanish when they ruled the area. They still have 800+ years to go on their land use contracts.

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2014, 05:45:42 pm »
An interesting question as to whether that title would survive the change in sovereign.  It is possible that it did.

I need to refresh my memory but I recall there was a case in the late 1800s where this exact issue came up.  The US had said they would honor these grants at one point as part of encouraging loyalty.

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2014, 05:47:56 pm »
An interesting question as to whether that title would survive the change in sovereign.  It is possible that it did.

LOL!   You wake up one day and your home is in "Mexico". 

And of course, you're there with no papers.....oh-oh!     
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2014, 05:49:18 pm »
One of the big confusions here is the claim and misuse of term 'rent'. These old grazing grants are not renting in the general sense. These were contracts with the rancher and State which basically gave the rancher 'use ownership' while the State owns the land. A lot of times, in order to make it the same as ownership, the rights were contracted for 999 years.  Tens if not hundreds of millions of acres around this country are held by ranchers this way, it is one of the foundations of the large ranching system.

When the contracts were handed from the State to the Federal Government, one of the caviats were that these existing contracts would be honored.

This is the crux of the issue, the BLM has come in and claimed right to both land ownership and breaking the contract on usage ownership.

Here is the scary part. Millions of these acres were legally used by ranch owners to sell usage rights to developers and in some areas, subdivisions have grown up on this land. If this trend continues, there will be nothing stopping the BLM from coming in and taking property from millions of homeowners around the country.

I wouldn't be surprised if you dig into the deed history of many people on this site, you'll find that your homes fall under this. Your land and home are simply transfers of usage rights, not true landowner rights.
If traced back, my deed leads to Spanish land grants. The "crown" deeded the land to selected rich educated people, to further the colonization process. Like it or not, that is how it worked and works.

It wasn't a "lease for years" or other variant. It allowed the fee simple deedholder to further transfer ownership the property.

Bundy has never produced any deed showing him as a fee simple landowner. He has been a holder of rights, like a lease.  When he quit paying his fees, he weakens any claims to the land whatsoever. He has lost in court every time.
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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2014, 05:50:50 pm »
Found it.. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ending the war with Mexico guaranteed honoring those land grants and contracts. The "An Act to Ascertain and Settle Private Land Claims in the State of California" was passed by Congress in 1851 and if title was presented, it would be honored (it was controversial because if they didn't have a written title or grant, they lost the land). This is specifically California but extended to much of the Southwest.

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Re: BREAKING: Militia Arrives at Bundy Ranch
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2014, 05:55:24 pm »
If traced back, my deed leads to Spanish land grants. The "crown" deeded the land to selected rich educated people, to further the colonization process. Like it or not, that is how it worked and works.

It wasn't a "lease for years" or other variant. It allowed the fee simple deedholder to further transfer ownership the property.

Bundy has never produced any deed showing him as a fee simple landowner. He has been a holder of rights, like a lease.  When he quit paying his fees, he weakens any claims to the land whatsoever. He has lost in court every time.

The 'fees' were not part of the original contract nor were they legally taxes passed by Congress. They were just claimed by the BLM under the guise of seizing property.

It would be very much like if your home falls under land under the aforementioned California ranchos (yes, different State but same principle) as much of LA, San Diego, and other areas do. The feds decide they want your land so they decide as technical land deed owners to start assessing you a fee to use your home so high, there is no way you can comply, so they then come in and take your home.

Many people think they own their land, but they don't, they only own the rights to use the land.