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Reid: GOP Senators Should Wear Koch Insignias

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 Reid: GOP Senators Should Wear Koch Insignias
By Andrew Johnson
April 7, 2014 2:45 PM

The Senate should take a page from NASCAR and encourage its members to wear emblems of their donors, says Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

“Many Republican senators these days might as well wear Koch industries insignias,” the Nevada Democrat said on the Senate floor Monday. “While they don’t wear Koch industries ties and jackets, they display their sponsors proudly through their actions here in the United States Senate.”

This was the latest in a series of Reid rants against the businessmen brothers. While on the floor, Reid’s office tweeted out a sample of how the majority head, who was recently granted new powers with the end of some Senate supermajority requirements, thinks Republican wardrobe should look:

    Many Republican senators might as well wear Koch insignias to denote their sponsorship.
    — Senator Harry Reid (@SenatorReid) April 7, 2014

Reid should be strait-jacketed.  He's muttering like an imbecile in an institution.

Schumer:  "Attack on Koch Brothers will work".,135209.0.html

Reid is faking senility in order to get the ink.  He's an evil SOB.


--- Quote from: Loki on April 07, 2014, 07:36:31 pm ---Just how offensive can this man get?  He's the one who sold Tom Steyer the floor of the Senate for $50million of Steyer's own money and a promise of contributions collected from other people of $50 million.

--- End quote ---

The memes of him wearing Nazi SS uniforms are actually believable.  He's appears perfectly in them.  I hate him.

But evidently his constituency feels okay with him.   Which is also scary.

Luis Gonzalez:
This Union has gone from Webster's reply to Hayne to Reid, Pelosi, Sheila Jackson-Lee and Wassermann-Schultz.

There's no fixing this folks.


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