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Ukraine rejects Moscow's price hike

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--- Quote from: pjohns on April 08, 2014, 01:55:46 am ---Or, alternatively, it could simply tell Russia to keep its gas; and then, acquire it from a different source.

Which, I believe, is precisely what is planned by the government in Kiev.

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Where is the nearest port though? The nearest port is in Turkey.LNG is usually carried by boat. They still need to unload it and I do not think that Kiev has the infrastucture and that is in the proposal stage.Proposed terminal near Odessa. In 2012 the Ukrainian government and Unión Fenosa (where believed to have) signed an agreement on its building but Unión Fenosa denies this and it claimed on November 2012 "nor are we leading any consortium to develop such a terminal ... nor are we studying anything along these lines". The terminal was due to start working at a capacity of 5 billion cubic meters a year by 2016. In order to meet the 2016 deadline, they would have to start construction immediately on the offloading terminals. My suggestion is to swallow the price of the LNG until Kiev builds the necessary ports with outside help.

These are all the LNG Ports in Europe. This includes existing ones and ones on the drawing board.


--- Quote from: SPQR on April 08, 2014, 02:18:25 am ---Where is the nearest port though?
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Perhaps this is part and parcel of Ukraine's losing its port in Crimea.  (Yes, it was already under long-term lease to the Russians; but Ukraine could have used it, too, prior to the outbreak of this adversarial relationship.) 

 If the Ukraine wants to become part of the EU so badly, they must pay the EU rate for natural gasoline. They have been getting discounted gasoline for so long the racked up billions of dollars in debt. If they want a port so badly, they can ask for a loan from the EU to build one.


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