Author Topic: Muslim brotherhood lauches own U.S. political party  (Read 264 times)

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Muslim brotherhood lauches own U.S. political party
« on: April 05, 2014, 11:06:35 am »
Muslim Brotherhood Launches Own U.S. Political Party

Posted on April 3, 2014   

u-s-council-of-muslim-organizations-uscmoIslamofascism: With an eye toward the 2016 election, the radical Muslim Brotherhood has built the framework for a political party in America that seeks to turn Muslims into an Islamist voting bloc.

‘Muslim voters have the potential to be swing voters in 2016,” said Nihad Awad in launching the benign-sounding U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, whose membership reads like a Who’s Who of Brotherhood front groups.

“We are aiming to bring more participation from the Muslim community.”

USCMO also aims to elect Islamists in Washington, with the ultimate objective of “institutionalizing policies” favorable to Islamists — that is, Shariah law.

This development bears careful monitoring in light of the U.S. Brotherhood’s recently exposed goal to wage a “civilization jihad” against America that explicitly calls for infiltrating the U.S. political system and “destroying (it) from within.”

The subversive plan was spelled out in hundreds of pages of founding archives that the FBI confiscated from a Brotherhood leader’s home in the Washington suburbs after 9/11.

Translated from Arabic, the secret documents listed a number of Brotherhood front organizations — some of which just happen to make up the newly formed USCMO.

Front and center is the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, the catalyst behind this Trojan horse jihadist political party.

CAIR is linked in federal criminal court documents to the terrorist group Hamas, the Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch. CAIR’s chief Awad, who announced the USCMO at the National Press Club, is so radioactive, the FBI refuses to do outreach with him and his so-called Muslim-rights group until it can “resolve whether there continues to be a connection between its executives and Hamas.”

Read More At Investor’s Business Daily


Walid Shoebat has more to say on this:

CAIR Leader helps Muslim Brotherhood Launch Political Party in the U.S.

On its website, the USCMO even describes itself as “an umbrella group” for Muslims. Founding members of this USCMO are proven ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and include the Muslim American Society (MAS), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and others. Of course, it’s easy to see how the Muslim Brotherhood would be the “umbrella group” for the USCMO.

It’s not uncommon for the Muslim Brotherhood to have a separate, political party that does its bidding. In Egypt, the Freedom and Justice Party was one such entity and it was the party of Mohammed Mursi, who is now in jail and identified as a leader of a terrorist organization, a designation the new government in Egypt has given to the group.

Awad knows what it’s like to wield influence in Washington, D.C. As head of CAIR, he led one of the many groups that gained access to the George W. Bush White House both before and after 9/11/01. In fact, Awad, along with Dr. Yahya Basha, who was president of the now-defunct American Muslim Council, Salam Al-Marayati, the Executive Director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and Muzammil Siddiqi, then-President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), were all relied upon by the Bush administration to help develop the dangerously flawed strategy of what was actually Muslim Brotherhood outreach.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 11:07:14 am by rangerrebew »