Author Topic: Amnesty advocate honored by White House charged with immigration fraud  (Read 275 times)

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Amnesty Advocate Honored by White House Charged with Immigration Fraud

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 4, 2014 @ 1:15 pm In The Point | No Comments

Bonnie M. Youn was honored by the Obama White House for advocating on behalf of illegal aliens. Now she’s being charged with working on behalf of illegal aliens.

It’s a little reminder that there’s a difference between what amnesty advocates like to call “De Facto Amnesty” and the real thing.

Bonnie M. Youn, who Obama’s White House touts on its website as “a recognized Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) community leader in Georgia,” was indicted on three criminal charge counts in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia Atlanta Division on April 1, according to publicly filed court documents.

The first indictment count alleges Youn committed perjury with regard to an alien illegally in the United States. The second indictment count alleges that Youn violated a federal immigration law that prohibits bringing illegal aliens into the United States and harboring them, alleging she did so “for the purpose of commercial advantage and private financial gain.” The third indictment count alleges Youn illegally tampered with witness testimony, specifically alleging she influenced the illegal alien—whose identity is kept anonymous in the indictment—to provide false information about employment in the United States to federal agents.

An arrest warrant was filed for Youn Tuesday.

Youn is listed on the White House “Champions of Change: Immigration Reform” website. That site, which along with a page specifically about her remains on after she was indicted on these criminal charges related to the White House’s honoring of her, states she was awarded the title for being like Cesar Chavez. “The White House honors eleven people who embody the spirit of Cesar Chavez’s legacy and commit themselves to working in their communities to advocate and organize around immigration-related issues,” the White House says on the website that features Youn.

Despite the arrest warrant, Youn, as of now, remains on the White House site. But it’s not as if the White House takes the law seriously.


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