Author Topic: Bill Bratton takes tough questions from African-American leaders  (Read 376 times)

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NY Post

Bill Bratton takes tough questions from African-American leaders

By Stephanie Smith
April 4, 2014 | 4:07am

NY Police Commissioner Bill Bratton heard concerns from several African-American leaders about stop-and-frisk and racial profiling Tuesday night at a reception hosted by Citibank global banking head Ray McGuire and his wife, author Crystal McCrary, at their home.

Rev. Al Sharpton, Gayle King, Maurice Dubois, National Urban League President Marc Morial and Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson all lobbed questions at the Commish, which sources told us Bratton digested “earnestly” and “in good stride.”

Mom-of-two King shared with Bratton: “All black parents have had the conversation with their sons about being stopped by the police and how they have to manage the police’s potential biases of them.”

Dyson pointed out the disparity in arrests of “urban youth with roaches in their pockets” versus privileged college kids with ‘Breaking Bad’ meth labs in their dorm rooms.”

We’re told Bratton acknowledged the issues, saying the police “can’t arrest” their way out of the problems.


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Re: Bill Bratton takes tough questions from African-American leaders
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2014, 03:53:45 pm »
This isn't just victimhood entitlement whinging, it's a real problem in NY; however, I tend to think that it's more socio-economic than directly race-driven, it just so happens that more blacks are at the lower end of the NYC economic scale - thanks principally to liberal policies - and so NYPD's abuse of people down the economic ladder - they can't afford lawyers and there's usually something little you can "get" them for - indirectly ends up affecting blacks disproportionately.