Author Topic: Networks Ignore Insurer's Claim That 15-20 Percent of ObamaCare Enrollees Didn't Pay First Premium  (Read 520 times)

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Networks Ignore Insurer's Claim That 15-20 Percent of ObamaCare Enrollees Didn't Pay First Premium

By Matt Hadro | April 4, 2014 | 01:14

On Thursday evening’s news casts, the networks ignored a claim by major insurer Blue Cross Blue Shield that as many as 20 percent of their new enrollees did not pay the first month’s premium for ObamaCare. If that was the case for all insurers, the White House’s brag of 7 million enrollees would be cut down to 6 million or lower.

National Journal had the story, calling Blue Cross Blue Shield “one of the biggest players in ObamaCare’s exchanges. They reported that according to a spokesperson for the company, “roughly 80 to 85 percent of people who selected a Blues plan through the exchanges went on to pay their first month’s premium.”

The White House had bragged that it exceeded its original goal of 7 million sign-ups for ObamaCare by March 31st, although critical questions went unanswered – like how many had actually paid for their first premium and thus received insurance.

The networks didn’t mention the claim by Blue Cross Blue Shield, however. They did help spin ObamaCare as a positive on Tuesday, however.

For instance, after President Obama took his "victory lap" in the Rose Garden over the enrollment numbers, ABC’s Matthew Dowd lectured Republicans to stop trying to repeal the law. CBS ran a positive story on a young enrollee’s “peace of mind” at having insurance coverage, while ABC’s Jonathan Karl said, “in the four years since the Affordable Care Act passed, when it comes to health care, this is the best day that Democrats have had.”

About the Author
Matt Hadro is a News Analyst at the Media Research Center. Click here to follow Matt Hadro on Twitter.


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Well of course they did.  It's the job of an agit-prop mouthpiece to ignore the facts when they fail to cooperate with the mouthpiece's ideological aims.