Author Topic: 15% of the middle class has disappeared under Obama  (Read 326 times)

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15% of the middle class has disappeared under Obama
« on: April 04, 2014, 10:19:24 am »
1/5 of the Middle Class Disappeared Under Obama

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 3, 2014 @ 11:00 am In The Point | 1 Comment

The middle class doesn’t own a lot of banks, solar power panel manufacturers or sensitivity training centers so they haven’t done too well under Obama Inc.

A sense of belonging to the middle class occupies a cherished place in America. It conjures images of self-sufficient people with stable jobs and pleasant homes working toward prosperity.

Since 2008, the number of people who call themselves middle class has fallen by nearly a fifth, according to a survey in January by the Pew Research Center, from 53 percent to 44 percent. Forty percent now identify as either lower-middle or lower class compared with just 25 percent in February 2008.

According to Gallup, the percentage of Americans who say they’re middle or upper-middle class fell 8 points between 2008 and 2012, to 55 percent.

Obama’s mentor did campaign against middleclassness. His pupil is just making sure that Americans don’t think of themselves as middle class.

TUCC promotes a “Black Value System” that encourages African Americans to patronize black-only businesses, support black leaders, and avoid becoming “entrapped” by the pursuit of a “black middle-classness”

Looks like the plan is working well. Especially in the black community.


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