Author Topic: Pelosi's piety wins Obama's approval  (Read 415 times)

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Pelosi's piety wins Obama's approval
« on: April 04, 2014, 02:20:08 am »

Pelosi's piety wins Obama's approval
By Phil Lawler | April 03, 2014 10:59 AM

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Some of my friends are shocked that President Obama, on his return to DC after a visit with Pope Francis, gave a set of rosary beads blessed by the Pontiff to Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the lawmaker honored by Planned Parenthood for her “outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement.” But really, no one should be shocked. Appalled, yes; but not shocked.

If nothing else, President Obama has been consistent in his attitude toward his Catholic political allies. He has promoted Catholics who agree with him—and disagree with their Church—on the morality of government-subsidized abortion. (Remember when he nominated a “pro-choice” Catholic to be Secretary of HHS—the cabinet office most closely involved in abortion policy—and then, when that nomination fizzled, he put forward another “pro-choice Catholic?” That wasn’t a coincidence.) This White House is dedicated to the advancement of Catholics who reject the teachings of the Church—or, as I’ve put it before, to the proposition that the only good Catholic is a bad Catholic. To put it in a nutshell, Barack Obama wants to encourage the sort of piety displayed by Nancy Pelosi.